Scar removal help

Does anyone have input on who I should ask for help with removing scars. I’m meditating more trying to be able to hear the spirits. I still doubt myself that it isn’t my own voice. Any tips or rituals would be greatly appreciated.

Look into water fasting, or fasting mimicking diets, and intermittent fasting (IF). These induce a biological function called autophagy. Autophagy is where the body consumes unwanted cells including scar tissue.

I have had results with reducing scarring this way, as well as excess skin and reducing allergic reactions. I like to combine the timing with spiritual work as I find it’s a little easier to invoke and work with certain energies when the vessel doesn’t have a lot of digestive and food energy going on. Running qi through the area should help as well.

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For an entity I would go with Lilith. Typically I go to Lucifer for most things but believe it or not he says “ you humans and your vanity.” It’s not a topic of concern to him.

In the mundane I’ll tell you that black African soap is AMAZING with shower gloves. Also get some pure raw Shea butter and massage into the scars a couple times a day. I used to have bad acne and it flared up when I was ill. This stuff works.



I have cutting scars from earlier in my life and raphael told me he couldn’t take them away but i’d still ask because it could be different for you.

There’s also Marbas

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Thank you I know the struggle. :heart:

Shea butter helps with those too, I have them but they’re hardly visible unless I point them out

Acupuncture. I had an appendectomy and hysterectomy within 6 month of each other with multiple surgery scars left behind. I went to an acupuncturist for some pain relief. it was like magic. They were much reduced, not gone completely but much smaller.