
Hey there guys, which one of you guys is working with Sauroctonos?

I did some energy work and I must state He is amazing!!! A skilled leader powerful and sophisticated, charismatic. Showed me several faces the one of the shamanic elderly who cures the fighters of the tribe. The prophet seeing the unveiled and guiding the ones needing Inspiration and can empower magic abilities. The hermit who is taking care of the nature and animals of the wildernes. The Vampyre master, perfect in using blood magic and alchemy.
It must be stated He likes persons who control their bodies, their instincts, are serious and interested in Ascension.

Sauroctonos is very loving, protective and inspiring if you are attuned with his vibration. Definitively not for LHP beginners or people who cant control their instincts.

Agios o Sauroctonos! :heart_eyes:

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Are you talking about Apollo? Yes I’ve worked with him. I wouldn’t use the word agios tho (I smell V.K.) as its been used by the greek orthodox church in the same way the english speakers are using “saint”.
It means holy but we never used that word for the
ancient Gods, its a Xtian thing.


Apollo has another vibration. I like Apollo a lot :sun_with_face:

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Actually reminds me a lot of president Botis

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But…sauroctonos is one of Apollo’s names. Because…you know…he killed Gaia’s child, the dragon Python.

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Astonishing dear @Anassa its true that Gods have many faces. Lots of mysteries are hard to be approached by humans. Reminds me of the three faces of Naberius the personification of hard work, responsability, dedication and powerful will gratificated with Ascension, becoming a true God.

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Obviously Gods are multi dimensional and always there’s more than meets the eye. The “mysteries” are all there, right in front our eyes, it’s the humans who are blind with their personal limitations, and who are trying desperately, not only subconsciously but more often very consciously, to reflect those limitations into the unlimited nature of a God.


Well it’s because they are close.