
ahhhhhhh…yes…Dawkins is very smart but i also find him to be a bit arrogant

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Some are but the one’s you most likely know about because you’ve seen them in the news have a good reason why they’re doing what they’re doing. Without involving politics I’ll just say that a person who practices Satanism shouldn’t be discriminated against because of their beliefs and if protesting this comes off as cringe then you really don’t understand Satanism and you never will until you research it.

If you’re talking about edgy teenagers or neophytes then I would say that everyone goes through their rebellion stage and some people never mature enough to grow out of it in the sense that they don’t come off as “cringe.”

If it’s the atheist thing then I’d like to say that an atheist can get the same results as any adept who calls themselves a theist. Atheism has its place in occultism. There’s a line drawn between truth and delusion.


Yes your right.

LaVey was a atheist.

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It seems to me that Satanists are mostly ex-Christians who really, really hate the Abrahamic god, but also haven’t gotten over their Christian beliefs and programming entirely, so they stay within that framework and define themselves as being in opposition to everything that Abrahamic religions represent. It often looks like a teenage rebellion from the outside. More mature souls tend to move beyond that and look at other traditions which have no real relation to the Abrahamic world-view.

None of them are monotheists though, most seem to be polytheistic, though even then, they don’t actually worship any gods as such. Ironically, the way Buddhists relate to deities is probably the closest thing to how your average Satanist would relate to various gods and demons. They might do offerings and seek out their help, but ultimately, they are all about individualism and self-development rather than blind worship.

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I was once a spiritual satanist, back when I was exploring religions, in spiritual satanism Satan isn’t a real person but an archetype you embody. Pride, pride in yourself, in your accomplishments, not being anyone’s doormat but also being respectful to those around you as you would want to be respected, it actually had a great sense of self worth and etiquette towards others.

I find the concept of spiritual satanism much closer to the truth of “satan” (not satanael) but the satan people have come to create compared to the idea of ‘satan’ being an entity.


I always just assumed theistic Satanism is a group of people who only or mainly work with Satan.

This has been very interesting to read.

Satanism is just as messed up as other religions but true theistic Satanism, Satan is their god.

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I don’t understand how anyone could worship or let alone bow down to another being

some people do, Ive bowed to saints, and would get on my knees for my catholic prayers in the past, its a personal choice who you worship

Worship is nothing more than deep respect. Knowing the God, you begin to understand.


In fact, it’s even more than that, worship, in truth, is like establishing an energetic connection, by becoming that deity. To become a thing is to understand it.

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You have a point about connection.

Most of those who chose that form of Satanism (theistic) are rebelling against Christianity.

Example abound but I’ll just point out 1: early 1990’s Norwegian Black Metal. They were raised in a relatively restrictive Christian society. They rebelled and decided to worship what they viewed as the opposite of the restrictive Christian god. To them (in their mostly teenage and 20 something inexperience with life) the Christian god says sex bad drugs bad drinking bad abortion bad disobedience bad slavish obedience good chastity god etc so they chose the opposite position that evil must be good desirable because the Christian lifestyle do wasn’t their cup of tea.

They were not really worshipping the devil as such they were worshipping an idea of the opposite of restrictive Christianity and they decided god restrictive devil equal freedom. So they called it satanism and worshipped an ideal of the opposite of what they grew up with.

Most of the first wave of Norwegian Black Metal artists are now polytheistic pagans or possibly LeVeyan satanists now. A few probably psychopathic or with stunted maturity still believe the if god is good and against fun I’m for the devil and I’m evil thing but most of them aren’t and they play at it musically for fun and profit (not all but most).

As to bowing down to Satan well remember that they were raised as monotheists originally so they may believe that’s how to respect a deity since that’s what they grew up with being told was how it’s supposed to be (plus whatever floats their boat I suppose).

If you never knew anything other then the concept of you must bow and scrape and plead with and appeal to beg for stuff from your deity kneeling in supplication and never had heard of a different way to worship time be you’d likely transfer it to your new belief system and do in it like you did in your previous one.

That’s what the 90’s black metal crowd did essentially. That’s also why most changed after they became adults and were free to learn other beliefs and practices when no longer under their parents teachers and church’s thumbs when they moved out on their own and lived a bit and saw a variety of choices to choose from. Most became pagans. Some still bow and scrape others ditched the whole he’s god so he’s better then me I gotta worship him or else and some became atheists.

But basically theistic satanism tends to be a reactionary response to Christian (or Judaic or Islamic) religions restrictions on personal freedom.

Sorry this is a lot long winded but I felt it needed to be to explain how/why they feel the need to bow to another being (it’s because they don’t know or accept another way of believing).

Edit add on: I consider myself Luciferian as opposed to a Satanist and not in the brown down and kiss his feet worship way more like the respect and admiration for the concept embodied within it (man was a pet in a zoo eden had a fence man was an obedient pet Lucifer gave man the knowledge that elevated him to being gods over this world we do after all have the power of life and death over ants fleas bees. Cows etc sort of way not a bow down worship way more like admire would like to be more like sorta way and would like to learn from him if possible because he must know a heck a lot existing as long as he has way).

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Satan demands study - not worship.
As a lhp practitioner I bow to no one and no deity. If I did I won’t be lhp, and I’m a purist when it comes to these things.
“Please Jesus, Mother Mary or Satan - Help me!” I should form a Right-Hand Path Demonology group. I’d steal heaps of members from BALG!


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A child need a fence. An adult don’t need a fence.