"Satan, Lucifer, Enki, Ea"

As a guy who worked with the Joy of Satan system, I learned that these entities will identify themselves as whatever is better for the chosen practitioner and also, at the same time, as whatever that serves their own interests better, regardless of any academic knowledge regarding the topic. They are not what we think they are, but we have to think about them as mythological beings with mythological stories in order to work with them, althought I think that at some point we will know them and work with them seeing them as they truly are. Despite any historical accuracy, the entity we know as Lucifer chosed to be addressed as Lucifer, and for some people will present himself with other names, which doesn’t mean that any correspondance or myth is necessarily true. I personally like to use correspondences that make rational sense, but that doesn’t stop Astaroth from appearing as your favorite anime character if that would make you happy and would server his agenda.