Satan and his appearance in dreams

Hello everyone, who has had experiences working with Satan through lucid dreams? I’m not quite sure if it was him, and if he was making messages. There were 4 dreams, 4 days in a row. In 1 dream, I drew his sigil on the wall of the room, then this sigil took the form of a chain. In the 2nd dream I found myself in a cave, waking up from the light of the fire, I saw two demons that were sitting there, they looked at me with surprise, there was no fear, only respect, which seemed to come from inside the soul, in the 3rd dream I found myself in my old house, which was originally inhabited by many spirits, which it is quite difficult to expel, in this dream they attacked me under the guise of relatives, and wanted to use fire magic, but I was abruptly teleported to another location, Satan turned out to be in front of me, he looked like a young man, about 25-30 years old, he talked to me, after that I bowed to him, he teleported me to some goddess, I don’t work with goddesses, so I don’t know who she was… She had long black wavy hair and a white dress, vines were braided in her hair, she gave me some kind of gift by hanging a chain on me, at that moment a tattoo appeared on her neck. In the 4th dream, it was colored at first, but when I found myself in the location where Satan was, it acquired a black-and-white appearance, and distorted, as if I was looking from the side, it was an office that looked quite stylish, Satan himself was dressed in a suit, he had black hair, he was playing in his hands with a silver-gold lighter. He was talking to someone, as if with his secretary, the conversation was about the Earth and about the mission that they (demons) have to fulfill.
I do not know, these dreams went on in a row for all 4 days… And they were all bright and lasting

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You can ask Satan if the Goddess is his wife? Lilith.

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I work closely with Satan, and I believe that was him you saw in your dreams. He always appear to me with the appearance of a young man in his 30’ when I meet him in the astral. The Goddess you mentionned was probably Lilith.

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Satan has many appearances, and he makes an appearance in a way that you are familiar with or like, or something symbolic of him (dragon, raven, ram, sign of Aquarius.)

I have seen his appearance as a tall, handsome strong man who is slender by strongly built.
He had shoulder length blond straight hair and deep blue eyes. He had square pupils.
Another appearance was that he was devastatingly beautiful, with a medium-deep voice and curly long blonde hair.

So it differs from person to person. He is a god, or angel, after all, and can change his appearance as he likes.

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In astral projection I see him as this super buff dude yet tall and lanky I’d say like 7-8 ft lol. Blonde hair and silver body armor. Cause I’m use to thinking of military like soldiers when I think of Satan or demons.

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