S. Connolly Books

In regards to the quote : The infernal Hierarchy Is as follows. The Operator and everything in existence.

What I got out of it to mean is that everything on this planet and in this universe has an infernal element in varying degrees and so the hierarchy is dependent on what the magician seeks.

Some of these spirits are a wealth of information so it’s very hard for them to give a simplistic answer at times, there’s just too much to deliver. It can be said
That “many roads lead to the one spot” or something like that and never more applicable is this saying to the answers that these entities can give. We as humans see a straight forward question with a narrow visioned answer whilst the spirits see the big

Just my humble opinion guys.


The objective, scientifically measurable truth is that many magicians exist, and the demons exist to serve them all.

I have no tolerance for this pseudo-quantum mechanistic “only subjective reality exists” nonsense.

You can believe a cliff isn’t there, but if you walk off it you’ll still fall to your death.

[quote=“Timothy, post:22, topic:1002”]

thus, as each individual is the centre of their subjective universe, there can be no collective if which to speak. if i may paraphrase the last line of your previous post, i believe it would be more accurate to say that “daemons, by nature, exist to serve a magician”, on an individual level as the magician is the focal point of their cosmos, rather than magicians as a plurality. similarly, it could be argued that from the daemon’s point of view, the roles are reversed and thus brings into question the nature of consciousness vs reality.


The objective, scientifically measurable truth is that many magicians exist, and the demons exist to serve them all.

I have no tolerance for this pseudo-quantum mechanistic “only subjective reality exists” nonsense.

You can believe a cliff isn’t there, but if you walk off it you’ll still fall to your death.[/quote]

Moreover, as you try to bring other human beings under your heel, you will encounter a very real resistance. The more you push down, the more violent your opposition will be.


The objective, scientifically measurable truth is that many magicians exist, and the demons exist to serve them all.

I have no tolerance for this pseudo-quantum mechanistic “only subjective reality exists” nonsense.

You can believe a cliff isn’t there, but if you walk off it you’ll still fall to your death.[/quote]

If you truly don’t believe the cliff isn’t there then there is no cliff. I’m not talking about some mind fogging hand wave, telling your self one thing and hoping for the best. If you are at a level where you function with the all-mind then your beleif will become reality. This is a nature of Siddhi

Well in the carlos castenada book fire within, don Juan had carlos and some of his other students jump off a clif as part of an excercise to move their assemblage point, though I’m not sure if that is the same principle as not believing in the cliff. Though base don my experience in the multiverse the cliff will both be there and not there, the degree to which you experience the cliff has to do with the degree in which you observe the universe it is in.

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If you truly don't believe the cliff isn't there then there is no cliff.

I’m sorry, that’s simply wrong.

There were people who believed with absolute certainty that the Earth was flat, and guess what, they discovered it was round.

Objective reality is very persistent. This is why we use magick to transcend the laws of the physical universe, and alter it.

You need more than mere “belief” to do this.

I'm not talking about some mind fogging hand wave, telling your self one thing and hoping for the best. If you are at a level where you function with the all-mind then your beleif will become reality. This is a nature of Siddhi

Siddhi, or perfect attainment, and the ability to instantly alter reality through force of will is simply the process of using subjective mind power to change objective reality.

If anything, this affirms my original point.

(This power is what E.A. calls “The Devil’s Stone”. He has had brief successes with physical materialization of objects through magick ritual, and he’ll be revealing his results and techniques in “Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence”.)

As we are only able to perceive reality from our point of view how can we be so sure that those who truly believed that the world was flat didn’t continue their existence in a universe where it is indeed flat?

The very premise of the multiverse stipulates that there is a universe that exists somewhere/when with what ever parameters we could care to name, including flat earths, round earths, the presence of the cliff or its absence.

The idea of objective reality is completely illusory, every thing we know and experience has to be perceived by our physical and non-physical senses and then processed by the mind.It can’t be proved that you aren’t a brain in a jar, living in the matrix, having a dream or any other metaphor.

Whilst it is certainly convenient to accept our sensory input as “reality” for ease of living, ultimately the idea it is objective comes down to the belief that it is. This belief is maintained by the perception of linear time and your attachment to those past memories and experiences. Gravity only behaves the way it does because we have memory that it does.

The book of Azazel is an incredibly deep but I think E.A. sums up the whole book when discussing Spare

“Everything is real, everything is possible”.

I agree with Soundwave.

“Objective reality is an allusion, albeit a rather persistent one.” Can’t remember who said it. but it rings true.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ~Albert Einstein

What I got from the book of Azazel quote was kind of a mixture of what Tiberius and Timothy spoke of. I believe once a magician reaches a certain level he becomes the head of the hierarchy. At that stage in E.A.'s ascent he was able evoke what he wanted without the aid of the demons. I think as long as you are relying on them to help your goals manifest then you can no be at the top of the hierarchy. How many times did Azazel tease E.A. leaving him thirsting for more willing to sacrifice everything for the CHANCE it will pay off? That doesn’t sound like he was in charge of the situation as he even admitted in the book, he turned himself over into Azazel’s hands to gain as much power as possible.

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Just letting anyone know that Stephanie Connolly is selling “Infernal Colopatiron” for less than half price on her Facebook site. The 2 copies she has contain some scuff marks or discoloration to some of the bottom ends of the pages. This is a very good buy for the price, never minding the small ware on the books. Nah, I’m not her manager, just trying to help out anyone who maybe interested.

Didn’t want to start another thread so resurrecting this one.

As a newbie who doesn’t have space for an alter or much movement where I currently am. I am doing most of my current magickal workings, for increasing my senses, in my head and with sigils.

I am currently reading Frater UD - Practical Sigil Magick and am looking to get into S. Connolly books.

Could someone recommend which of the following would be best to start with? Or other recommendation if you feel there is something better.

The Daemonolater’s Guide (8 book series)

With gratitude.