
Will robes be available at BALG?

I have a black cotton Grim Reaper style robe. Haven’t used it in much longer than a decade. I found it prevented me from Magick unless I was wearing it, so I stopped and since then my Magick hasn’t. I got away from all of that and use my street cloths.



I use whatever I wear at the moment, does it count? :joy:

I advise against robes they seem like they can catch on fire pretty easily.

In some paths they are needed tho. :confused:

If the spirits don’t say you need it then it’s not needed imo


Then I’d pick the path with the black robe, I hate red :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I try to do Magick on the cheap and quickly. Life is complicated enough as it is. Why add to that with robes, altars and a Lotus Wand? Magickal weapons are very important. That’s why you must make and/or consecrate your own. By using these weapons you’ll learn so much – like the fact that they’re just props. My left hand pointer finger is my Wand and I never leave home without it. Ditto the pocketknives I carry can be used as a Magickal sword/knife. If needed I can get a cup from the bin and a piece of bread/cake as a Pentacle.

All the old complications which festoon the traditions and litter the grimoires are there to weed out the dilettantes, consecrate the will (you have to use the blood of a female Gob-smacker captured on the day and in the hour of Mars) or to cause head zap - like a midnight ceremony in a cemetery does.

And always remember: If your Magick isn’t fun you’re not doing it correctly!


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