Rituali Gatum Corpus

I have been intensely studying and pondering the gates. And as I have, I began to wonder. These gates are meant to bring the essence and powers dictated by the houses into this world.

Anatel - the warriors
Retztael - the priests
Malkash - the bringers of information … the spies

What has caught my eye is the absolute relationship these houses have with the natural forces of our universe in relation to the human being.

Anatel - the warriors - the fight - the yang - right hand - fire.
Retztzael - the priests - magick - the mind and connection with control of the universe.
Malkash - the spies - collectors - yin - the left hand - water.

And then we have the second gate - to be opened on an object - to bring the full power of the 3 above mentioned houses into the object upon which it is placed. Mind you, it is a triangle with 3 points.

And finally, the circle, in which the operator stands to initiate the ritual.

Now - I did some experimenting last night and opened the Retztael gateway on my ajna chakra. Visions and information started pouring in - almost uncontrollably. I then opened the Anatel gate on the palm of my right hand over the eye of the palm and felt the power of change and extension surging through me.

Suddenly - before I let the whole ritual take place, I stopped it. Feeling unready to perform such a ritual right then and there.

However - this is my conclusion and a possible ritual to transform one’s self into the physical manifestation of a Dark God.

Draw the Malkash gateway on the palm of your left hand.
Draw the Anatel gateway on your right hand.
Draw the Retztael gate over your ajna chakra.
And the final critical connecting point - with one point aimed at your ajna, one toward your left, and one toward your right, Draw the second gateway right over your heart chakra.

Stand inside the first gateway and recite the demonic words written around the gate.
“Alash tad Al’ash tal Astu”

Now - this, is only theoretical - and I have yet to complete the ritual myself, so I can’t guarantee the safety of anyone who attempts this. In fact, I would warn against this until more is understood concerning these forces and currents.

However - the “semi-ritual” I performed drew currents and powers into my body - unlike any I had ever experienced. My mind was racing with visions, as if I was on a full dose of psilocybin with out the “out of control” nature of taking a drug.

Rituali Gatum Corpus - the ritual of the gated body. Perhaps I should have not released this, perhaps I was meant to, perhaps I’m crazy and this won’t do a god damned thing. I leave it to you, releasing any responsibility on my part for what may or may not occur, as I contemplate my own future gateway body.

Rituali Gatum Corpus - think about it - but be cautious should you decided to attempt it. It was no childs play. Had I allowed myself to be swept into the full spontaneous ritual, I may not even be here today. So take my warning and caution seriously.

As an adendum, and obviously something to consider. You may wish to consult your allies and familiars before attempting this.

huh - I thought this would have caused a bit more of a buzz than that. Oh well, either way, I plan on reporting back after I finally decide to go through with it - IF I decide to go through with it :wink:

I actually intended to respond right away - got distracted :wink:

So, this is stunning and it is potentially dangerous! I agree with you that MUCH consideration & self-examination are in order before attempting this. We’re talking a -ridiculous- amount of raw power here!!

My plan for Myself is to work with ‘becoming’ one at a time first. I need to get a feel for exactly how much voltage is going to pour thru me with each one individually. Then I won’t be shocked into overload if/ when I decide to go all the way.

But that’s just Me; I’m a bit of a self-control freak - I do not like being upended or disoriented. :wink: Z

Mage…I am sitting here watching this in amazement…and do not even know what to say other than I have to wait and see what takes place as I, myself, at this moment am not prepared for this…I am at another place at the crossroads…lol.


I think you guys speak for all of us. Which is why I just couldn’t bring myself to go all the way with it. hah. But - I mean - doesn’t it make so much sense? I can’t help but think that this is one of the intentions of this design.
Still - the power that came through - it was exhilarating! I think I will practice with one gateway at a time - ya know - just test the waters. I know I did two of them, but that was just two. No ritual, no first or second gateway.
The energy produced by this experience was pretty intense, though still controllable.
The question that lingers for me is - do they only open say 10% when executed separately, but when all together they wedge the floodgates open all the way to 100%?
Granted, there was not so much that I couldn’t control it. But I wonder.
I am already planning to hold congress with one of each house and get some more information regarding this.
I will report back …
I should like to hear from others who do decide to start working with this. Perhaps there is more to be learned than meets the eye here.

[quote=“Zoe, post:4, topic:314”]So, this is stunning and it is potentially dangerous! I agree with you that MUCH consideration & self-examination are in order before attempting this. We’re talking a -ridiculous- amount of raw power here!!

My plan for Myself is to work with ‘becoming’ one at a time first. I need to get a feel for exactly how much voltage is going to pour thru me with each one individually. Then I won’t be shocked into overload if/ when I decide to go all the way.

But that’s just Me; I’m a bit of a self-control freak - I do not like being upended or disoriented. :wink: Z[/quote]

Agreed, once it’s taken from your hands, the control is very hard to recollect. Care and caution are highly recommended with this. I almost deleted it before I posted it. However, I am not Fox News, and I don’t censor content. I think this is something that each one of us should, at least, be aware of.

[quote=“DK The Mage, post:6, topic:314”]Granted, there was not so much that I couldn’t control it. But I wonder.
I am already planning to hold congress with one of each house and get some more information regarding this.
I will report back …[/quote]

I see that this intention would serve any of us well before proceeding. These Nethers are not going to yank us back from any precipice we approach … but they will certainly give us what information we have the good sense to ask for…

I agree with all three of you, this ritual is very intrigueing - fuck intrigueing, the very sound of it is exhilirating - but I also feel a strong amount of caution and further work on my part is needed before I attempted this.

DK if you do go through with it please let us know how it goes - if you’re still human enough to do that after. :wink:

Intriguing, fascinating and appealing, but damn so dangerous. I’m not up to such a thing yet, but maybe later, who knows.

Ah I’ve been thinking about this very same thing since I first saw the gateways in the book but wasn’t sure how to place them on my body til now and I’m smacking myself in the forehead with a big fat giant resounding DUH that I didn’t make that connection. lol. I think the first gateway to be drawn in order to remain in control during such a ritual would be the gateway of pacts followed by the second gate in preparation as a dark consecration of the body. Actually perhaps this ritual should be done in front of a full body mirror and all gates opened at once.

@DKMage…question…did you ever approach entry in a similar manner with the Kingdom of Flames information given in that book?


Ah, interesting - I think you’re right. This would definitely be the way to go. And I like the addition of the full length mirror, that would indeed make it easier. Jesus - I’m getting stoked. I almost went through with it last night. haha
But again, the cautious side of me over-rode the spontaneity.

@Maxx, I have yet to read KoF
I look forward to getting my hands on a copy though. It’s one of the books on my list, for sure. (did I get your question right, or are you referring to something in The BoA?)

On lunch break today, I retreated to a small dark room at work and started playing with the gates on my body again - I just had to get that rush. I’m still planning to force myself to talk to a few of each house before actually going through with it though. I’m sure I could pick up some preparation tips from each house.

I will make sure and detail an full account should I attempt this any time soon. :wink: hehe
likewise, should anybody get the bone up to doing this before I get around to is, I should love to hear of it :slight_smile:

@Bran - oooh, c’mon, you know you want toooo! temps Bran with all the powers of the universe :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

It’s so tempting to just dive into this dammit. I was half tempted to draw the anatel gateway on my right hand and go to work like that to see what all I could do with it but I’m going to consult with some nethers before getting in there like that.

Let’s all just agree that any and everything (except that which is specifically forbidden by them, and is shared with confidence of secrecy by the Nether) is discussed and shared here so we all have a full understanding of what we’re dealing with and what exactly to expect.
Deal? :slight_smile:

Sounds like a plan.

I love this thread. I havent really a fucking clue what you maniacs are on about as I havent read or practiced what you are doing DK but it sounds out there…I will watch with interest…Dont go getting dragged into a hole in the time space continuum or anything if you break it!

You 'n me both Neo! LOVE this thread!

I DO know what they’re up to, and I gotta tell ya, if anybody can tear a hole is the time/space continuum. it’s my three rowdy rascals - Kitari, DK & Bran.

Kitari will slip up on it from behind … DK will infiltrate it from the inside like a computer virus … Bran will ram it head-on like a steamroller…

The time/space continuum will never be the same! :wink: Z

You guys best be very careful…word has it from a source that is what happened to cause the 3 stooges to be created…they were changed … but in the reverse as they came at it from the back door…lol.
