Right Off The Bat, Strange Experience

OK, here’s my first ever question folks! I’m an almost complete novice, and not wishing to repeat my introduction message, I suppose I’m aware I would be more in tune with certain energies others may not be. So I’m reading through the forum, and I’m curious about Belial. Yeah, I know, kind of a mega one to even consider starting off with. Took a look at his sigil on the site, read his Enn, repeated it out loud. Almost immediately (or at least in a ten minute period) I felt energised, as if my entire body is full of electricity. Basically a dopamine dump. Like I’ve taken a line of cocaine. I can’t see it but I can almost feel the static electricity in the air and it snapping around my fingers. Dozing off, voices. Incoherent, but there. Echoes. A vision of a small crocodile or large monitor lizard in my head. I have one, 5 word question and I ask it with all due respect… “What the fuck just happened?”


You have invoked Belial. He is know with you. Congratulations

OK. Any ideas how or why that appeared to work and why it was so “easy”?


I can’t really say. I am new to this as well I would suggest mediating on it. I have my own experiences I am going through right now. But open your ears because they have very important things to say

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True power is effortless.
You didn’t go into it with a shitload of concern and you got good results by just testing out if it works for you.
Belial is considered beginner friendly.

Congratulations, you successfully casted magick.



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Thanks @Yberion and @Coffeefreak27. I’ve got to say that the fact this appeared so easy for me does frighten me a little. It’s a long, long time since I experienced anything similar (that’s a story for another day) and to have managed what I did with almost no thought nor preparation is, at best, wonderful and at worst foolhardy. While I have you guys, what do you think of attempting this (once I’ve got sigils and Enns and all that jazz):
Am I just asking for trouble attempting this my second try?! :smile:


No you are not asking for trouble but if do not feel comfortable yet, I would wait and study. I haven’t invoke Belial yet as I am still learning from Lucifer. The same situation happens with me and Lucifer but I asked him to guide me he comes when I have questions, he leaves when I tell him too. Hold no judgment. At least not yet lol.

My friend, Sorcery is there to be vielded!
Look at E.A., having several sources of immortality at his bare fingertips, while other sorcerers are casting non stop death spells at him. He’s one of us few, who learned to operate that energy and use it for our own goals.
Look at how welcomed you already where!

Weit, let me see what you have up your mind there xD

Oh damn, i wan’t to join your work.
That Sh*t is HOT!! xD

aähm, have an astounding, unforgettable awesome time with this spell.
'couz what you just referred to, is increadible.
I love this spell allready.
I had workings in that direction, yet i’d never taken Dantalion into such a working.
To be true, Dantalion wasn’t even up my list, for me he is a little as far away as Lucifuge Rafocal is to some.


Glad you shared your thoughts,
Wish ya all good!!!



I really don’t wish to be rude, but I don’t believe in immortality - certainly not of the body anyway. There are two things which are inescapable, and those are Death (as an aside, I wonder if Old Thanatos is an entity that can be evoked. Not so sure I’d want to try if s/he is, maybe someone has before?!) and Taxation.

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:wink: numb.

I’m going to keep at this thread if I may and hopefully my experiences, successes and failures will help other novices. I’m going to keep this brief because I’m exhausted. To try and be safe, I prepared this time. I drew a Magick Circle in chalk and ran salt around the perimeter. I wrote the names Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Uriel at the East, South, West and North points with tokens of their elements. A feather for Raphael’s Air, a red candle for Michael’s fire, a bowl of water for Gabriel’s water and a volcanic rock from Vesuvius in Italy for Uriel’s Earth. I summoned each Archangel to protect my circle. I put a black candle, an offering of 120 proof liquor and a few drops of blood, drew a triangle around it, put sage around the perimeter of that (a mistake maybe) and sat with Belial’s sigil chanting his enn… “Lirash Tasa Vefa Welick Belial”… for an hour… I’m fairly sure the sigil did flash a couple of times but that was it. No manifestation, no voice, maybe a shiver down my back here and there that was it. I got tired, thanked the archangels, asked any entity there to please leave and then I saged the shit out of the room. Any questions or comments? I think I need to work on the basics like attaining Theta-Gamma syncs and maybe do what I did before and risk it without the Magick Circle. Offerings can basically go where I’d want King Belial to manifest, right? Were those offerings good or nah? :grin: