RHP proof of Yeshua's Magician pathway

Sorry i had to post Golden Dawn here,
but it’s just been so mind-boggling to me that they themselves confirm,
what had been taught to me from Black Magick brothers years before.
(of course, different wording and everything. yet, still…)

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:




just for rambeling…

are we actually teaching the golden Dawn by side?
i mean them going into the topic of ascention…


ROFL, at the end they’re even showing cutted footage from BALG! Hahahahaha
if that isn’t some self-pride and shameless stealing, i DON’t KNOW WHAT IS! ickes

(this post is freely accepted, by it’s author, to be deleted if it get’s flaged.)



You need to Document (take pictures) of any copying and then post it here and in multiple backup locations. So at least there is proof.

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Meowlix, i don’t need to do anything.
I done that, and it speaks for itself.
Besides, E.A. had addressed this issue a while ago,
i was just stumbling upon it,
and found myself baffled by what actually is pushed out there from Golden Dawn.
Besides, they’re hurting their own credibility by continuing this stupid war propaganda,
while cherry picking attributes found in other workings to sell them off as their own.

I’ve had a conversation with a mason before, who had been baffled by someone else not just knowing but also practicing more then he achieved through following the initiative system of the O.o.G.D.

It’s sad to see them derail.

Just see it for yourself, side a side.




since David used this comparison himself,
notice who’s called “Imperator” (=Emperor) here. :wink:

