Reversal of a spell with demon

Hey guys. I tried to search but didn’t find very much as far as the specific situation. I have worked with a few demons for different things. I was wondering if it is possible to reverse or “take back” a petition spell to a demon. Would you summon them again and ask them this? If you No longer desire whatever it is that you asked for? I got my desired results but it has not been what I thought it would be. I searched for this and all I got was a lot of tarot threads and a few other posts.

If you already received your result, then the petition is done, so there is no need to “take it back.” If you don’t like what you asked for, simply do another petition for something else. However, make sure you still show appreciation for the result regardless if it’s not what you thought it would be. It’s not the demon’s fault your desire didn’t live up to your expectations, that’s on you. It’s the consequence we all have to deal with when we cast spells for the things and experiences we think we want, only to find out we didn’t really want them. The inscription above the door to the Oracle at Delphi said “Know Thyself” for a reason.


Demons give and give and give in exchange for energy. They are hard working and oriented on getting results. They will surely wonder why in hell would anyone wanna reverse a successfull spell


Thanks. I’ve thought about it a lot and am not looking to reverse anything anymore, I was just unsure at first. I was just curious

Thanks darkest knight. It was actually a love oriented working. Someone came to me and seemed very agitated at first … I was afraid of him suffering while being under this spells effect, I guess I was also afraid of my safety. I knew about this going in, but we are doing a lot better now