Results from working with Sallos

Hey girl, take a look into Ipamorelin or MK-677

They make you release growth hormone (natural fountain of youth your body stopped making a bunch of when you were ~26, trust me on this. It’s safe and there are so many upsides you’ll be amazed…)

One is oral, the other is more powerful and injected like HCG with an insulin pin.

It even makes guys grow hair back they’ve lost off their head. Skin looks years younger and it compounds everything you’re currently doing. Amazing chemistry

There’s also a sigil from Sigils of Power and Transformation by Adam Blackthorne (likely the author of the book they found Hagith in) that’s gotten remarks of “Your skin is GLOWING! You look amazing!”

“You look DIVINE!”


That book always works great and it’s a good sigil for sure.

Enjoy your results! Hope this post is part of them for you.


Thanks…i’ll def check that out

Anything new happen? I’m really interested to see where this goes for you

Is the oral over the counter?

Neither are prescription. Can order online at various sites. I like Proven Peptides

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Curti, lemme ask you, did it work?

@Norski so, where can one learn how to work with a Shem Angel?

Directly? I like 72 Angels of Magick by Damon Brand. Incorporated with demons, in the book I listed by Gordon Winterfield

Adds a whole new dimension to the workings


Well that is something I had never ever thought of, so, let’s suppose I want to work with, let’s say Duchess Bune in order to afford richness, I could have her angelical equivalent to give Bune the exact feel of what I want?

any updates on this?