Removed posts

Moving some posts here as being significantly off-topic to the OP, which was split itself from an earlier topic about relationships.

Haaaaaaaa. Never have I ever entered a forum where it was progressive to tell a woman she should fuck, but is obligated to fuck and is self centered not to fuck. It is always the woman’s job to do it, isn’t it? Terminating her magickal bloodline. Hell, half the kids of witches I met grow up to do jack shit regardless.

Sasha’s powers have influenced so much in her life time, she needs no successor. I was a natural born witch and from the looks of this forum there’s plenty. Half try to kill each other with demons of strangulation-slaughter-poison-gas and “How can I make my blood curse better? xoxo” and I am vaguing myself and basically everyone else.

No telling where the child will go anyway, ridiculous logic aside. My mother was a Pentecostal and my Father was a Buddhist. I got this, my siblings got nothing. Cousins from both sides got nothing. If you’re chosen you’re chosen.

So no, Sasha, you are not obligated to get pregnant on the 0000.1% chance your kid will be the prodigy. I’ve spoken to teenagers who came to learn from me and they have been described as my prodigy by entities. You’ve passed on knowledge to people completely lost on here, you’ve basically done what you didn’t need to do which was help out people who probably would have given up otherwise.

I’m glad to know me and Sasha have another connection, we are self indulgent for not wanted to pop out a kid.

All laffs though. xoxo


Until artificial wombs, clones born and lobotomised at birth, or genetically modified primates created solely as birthing tools, yes. :smiley:

Luckily I was not telling her or anyone else personally that they MUST go and do this, merely discussing the topic and debating the issue of whether we have a duty to our descendents/ancestors. Ancestral veneration is a key part of global spirituality, after all. Debates mean people can have different views, arrived at in good faith, and not have to destroy each other over it. :thinking:

I would hate to think I can’t do that if there is a female in the topic just because of the patriarchal stereotype women take everything personally and can’t grasp abstract ideas, y’know? :wink:

Cute offhand comment here, but I am not male nor female. I was speaking on the wording of your original post.

If you think any post disagreeing with you, especially when it comes to topics like this, warrants a “I hope you aren’t over sensitive feemails” comment or any other passive aggressive jab then I have no idea how you’ve survived this long. But good to see you can debate without hitting the ban hammer on sight.

I perceived you felt a post debating in the abstract the concept we have a duty to our ancestors and descendents was unfairly targeting women with that duty, especially the OP Sasha2017, when you wrote, “Never have I ever entered a forum where it was progressive to tell a woman she should fuck, but is obligated to fuck and is self centered not to fuck. It is always the woman’s job to do it, isn’t it? Terminating her magickal bloodline.”

I was replying to overall posts in that topic, saying that having a relationship was difficult because of various things that come with being LHP, it was that I wished to comment on.

If you were also bothered men may be burdened with paternity, than that’s also true, but IMO the same thing stands reharding ancestors and bloodlines, however you are free to disagree. :+1:

Be nice if you could please do the same without raising the spectre of victimhood if you wish to debate this?

I am discussing a concept within magick, namely the global concept of bloodlines, inhertance, and ancestor veneration found almost everywhere outside the modern western world, not proposing we immediately set up forced breeding programs that affect men or women or both in some nagative manner. :+1:

Ain’t no spectrum of victimhood. You described it as edgy Lucifer sigils on the walls and not continuing duty to our ancestors.

Saying woman are expected to produce kids is not victimhood. Fact. All over the world.

I ain’t no victim either, but you are making my friend uncomfortable here. She reuqested the thread be locked because it was so severely derailed. She may have changed her mind now. But bottom line, she is not interested in having children. And that seems perfectly fine to me.

An abstract idea is different from littering it with shots of “edgy Lucifer sigils!!! instead of continuing the bloodline!!!”

She expressed in a deleted post that this is too derailed now, and all her posts are now so that’s wonderful.

Ain’t none of this being a victim, this is what you would call a “compaint”, Miss Eva.

Easy there tiger:

On request today, I split the topic as topics wandering and needing to be split is part of everyday forum life.

I deleted that post when I split the topic and contacted Sasha2017 to tell her I had done this and mention to her how to mute replies if she did not want to get notifications of replies in this thread.

A highly misguided one in which you are making massive assumptions and insulting me by implying I ban people for having different points of view. I am also a member of the forum, with the right to post my opinions and questions within the range of the forum rules.

A simple request is please, chill out. :wink:

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And so am I! I find your original post awkward and strange, and idiotic.

Things expressed in PMs can really change an opinion.

I found your original post awkward, weird and derailing regarding the original topic. That’s all. By chill out do you mean shut up, stop talking now? Because I’m sure we’re all down for this trashed thread to be over.

Can’t we all just relax and act like civilised adult my friend?

Both me and Sasha have Asergers, not to trigger Eva’s trump card of saying we’re victimizing ourselves, but I am trying to express this in a normal way.

… I have Asperger’s as well. One surefire way to tell if you are being rude is if the majority is reacting negatively. Rather than saying just “I have Asperger’s” say

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Welcome to the Aspergers club!

Now you see, if someone had replied in this topic to Saha2017 like that I would be quietly PM-ing them that this is not within the rules of the forum.

I have no idea what you mean by this.

Some other members apparently did not, after all it’s not a stretch to say that children sometimes come about as a result of relationships, but as it happened it created a new discussion which I split out using the split topic function found on all forum since at least the late 1990’s for precisely this kind of event, a topic that takes a new and significantly different diretion.

if you check the title you will see I split the thread and this is now my topic (insofar as being OP) regarding views on legacy, genetics, and descendents. :+1:

Sasha2017’s thread has been split just above it and subsequent posts purely about relaionships kept in what I will term her topic, by ewhich I mean, as OP.

As the OP of this topic, with member hat on, I request futile derailments regarding how the topic originated, where I have already provided PROOF I offered to split the topic yesterday, now cease.

Cheers! :+1:

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If two people find it uncomfortable, I cannot tell if I am being rude or the other person is.

Do you split all her topics when this happens as well?

Sorry, what? I do not follow your meaning here. :slight_smile:

@marilyn @dagar I moved this part here as it was off-topic to what is now the OP in “my” topic so to speak. :+1:

Kind of ironic Sasha2017’s thread is birthing newly split topics like a randy tomcat eh? :smiley:

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Better than being derailed like a freight train til she wants to quit the site, yeah I’d give you a gold star ma’dam. Good job.

That implies I routinely derail her threads out of pure malice, which is untrue and slanderous. I will repeat these relevant posts from yesterday:

You may be angry at me @marilyn for something I think that is different to your own beliefs, that is your right, and you may express that difference within the full range of the forum’s rules: what you may NOT do is slander me and accuse me of a campaign of harassment where no such thing exists or has ever existed in any form whatsoever.

However, please feel free to link examples where you saw me derail Sasha2017’s topics in a manner you think is calculated to drive her off the forum?

Links work very well on here and the posts where you claim I did this will be visible in this topic.

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Why would I expose her DMs? I came here exclusively to try and express it to you that I hated the idea and Sasha did too. I wanted her to feel welcome on here, because she is one of my best friends.

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