Relationship with Demon

Hi I just recently entered a blood pact with the great Duke Sallos, I’m just wanting ways or techniques to form a tighter bond with him, the pact I created with him is for life so I would really like to find a way to become closer with him (I hear about some people who can just summon the spirit to talk) that’s the type of bond I would love to have with the Duke, so would really appreciate any feedback on how to go about getting closer to him little by little every day. Thanks


Ask Duke Sallos. He’s the best authority on what he enjoys.

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I understand that but as of yet I can’t talk to him or hear him, should I do daily evokations? Or what else is there for me to do? Thank you

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…wait, you don’t have any astral senses, but you entered into a blood pact with him? What makes you think that he said yes?

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I had help from someone on this site on what to do, he/she told me just before that the Duke said he will help me, also they told me he will touch my head on either the left to say yes or right to say no
I felt energy first on the right side of my head and I asked him if I gave him a bottle of rum I promised him before hand would he accept my pact ( I evoked him about 2 weeks prior and I used the coin divination technique and asked him would he like beer, wine or rum, when my wish was completed and rum came up with 4 heads while the others came up with tails) the energy shifted to the left side of my head, and just to make sure I asked him what if I don’t get you the rum, energy shifted to the right side, then I asked again if I get the bottle of rum when the pact is done on your side you will accept it, energy shifted back to the left side, then I asked if this is true send the energy to my whole head, and I felt the energy rush through my whole head, so I take it as he said yes?
But I would like to be able to hear him and talk to him… also during the ritual I had emmense energy go through my whole body that I hadn’t felt in previous evokations, after I ate more then usual and slept for about 14 hours afterwards, I understand this is what happens after a ritual as your energy is depleted a load during rituals…
What do you think about this?


Alright then, yes I’d recommend evoking him every day.

Awesome thank you, sorry but do you think he accepted what I asked for in the pact? Thanks

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Oh yes, it sounds pretty cut and dry to me. He touched your left side after you offered him the bottle of rum.

Do be certain to properly dispose of sacred offerings and don’t just throw them out or consume them yourself.


Okay I will do thank you for your advice!




Why shouldn’t it be consumed. Spirits only take the ethereal essence/part of the offering. And imparting its own essence in it, which if consumed will impart the spirit’s power to the consumer.

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It’s improper, in my view. Any solid offerings should be burned and the ashes buried in the ground or placed in living (running) water. Any liquid offerings should be straight poured into the earth, or poured into living water.

That way, when the offering is ritually disposed of, the Spirit, in a sense, has consumed the entire thing.


Gordon Winterfield recommends evoking them again and consuming the offering so they can experience the sensual nature of it.


I agree with this. The only time an offering should be consumed by the magician is if you offer, or the spirit requests, the experience of eating or drinking. Spirits envy the physical, and the very sensual delight in tasting is something a lot of spirits enjoy.

Some have reported that the taste of offerings made to spirits changes once the spirit has taken its essence, and it can taste anything from bland to down right rotten to the magician.


Lol. Consuming food offered to higher entities ( it is called prasada, consecrated food ) is as common in India as uttering the name ‘Allah’ in Islam. Not only each and every Hindu including those who are non believers have eaten food offered to gods even Indian Muslims have eaten it at some point of their life. It is just part of the culture.
May that’s why India is still a third world country, cuz everybody unknowingly pisses off higher spirits :joy:.


You can’t really compare the two. Magicians don’t approach the demons they work with in the same way as a Hindu would approach their gods. Worship is not the same as partnership.

Consuming the offerings to the gods is prevalent in other cultures too, but it is almost always done in a religious context rather than a ceremonial magical one.


Yea, even here in India it is considered EXTREMELY HARMFUL, both physically and spiritually, to eat food offered to the dead, ancestors. So may be it entirely depends to whom the food is offered.


The food does not taste normal after being spiritually consumed–my daughter once took a bite of chocolate off the offering plate and she said it tasted like ashes. It is also somewhat akin to taking the offering away from them if you eat it, like stealing a present.