This is kind of a long post, but I had felt like posting some of these concepts of a while, but they seem to only make sense in a whole- and I felt driven to not write previously (thus this being my first post to this forum)- the second EA video about the Divination course seemed to not only be what was on the video, but prodded me to draft the below, and post it… so I fight tooth and nail and yet I succumb- and submit here…
It begins with what I see are 3 distinctions (levels, each stack upon the next- relates to Divination course- as well as Cybernetic theory- ie fdbk, “guided missle” not just Cyber as in Digital: as I see a strong relation to Int’l Martial Arts- ex TaiChi sensitivity- one can more easily and quickly learn to “push” without it being “live”… but a glass ceiling develops…
to develop the ability to listen-learn-understand and change _in motion_ alters everything, but then one not only can react and thus "learns" about what one is in contact with- as each moment in time it reacts to your reactions... etc. to do that you change and have to let-go deeper and more fully "into the moment"...
linking that inward to the outward- not just as a model, but the actual same mechanism- “Translator-step” and “contact-link” (as EA has referenced)… below seemed to come together, but in my notes I just use terms-keywords, thus it is a little list (vs trying to be explicit, it becomes clearly not so concise Any thought comments at all- most appreciated (and I’ll put a brief reference post on the Divination section of the forum.)
- inquiry: in the sense of “looking into a room, to see what is there”… take a snapshot…
- Listening… (which allows “following” ~ie ongoing fdbk, vs just taking a “snapshot” and then sending a signal-action based upon that picture… but feeling-noticing reactions to what you send, as you send it…)…
- Understanding: a sense of connection with what is “inquired about” -develop from listen-follow to some sense of seeing-thru perspective of ___
There is a sense of awareness that connects through a contact-pt (link-bridge, is one’s awareness consciously aware of that medium of contact?) - in “receiving mode” that acts by what one is focusing upon (and focusing about- in terms of what is sought via inquiry) allows “knowing” to arise… in Direct or Indirect means (as follows)… that link can be said to occur in the ajna (also linked to “back heart center” or the pericardium-spinal plexi ‘which also is CSF pulse stillpt’)-
and, it can then go the other direction… rather than “receiving mode” …“sending mode” (although that doesn’t seem the correct term as it seems to imply a certain motive action from the “usual state of mind”… it is sent, but from “another aspect of the persona” (relation to what EA refers to as Omnipotence state, but even more so to the Ascension process… a ReVealation, ie the Question “Who Am I?”
(or perhaps What, or even How Am I… in other words- How as in what is my nature, my state…)== and thus the affect upon methods chosen to achieve a goal, first to realize, what are my resources? what do I have available? If one were to be walking the streets seeking to find a place to live, a job etc… and actually one is the “Prince(cess)” of a city (modern equivalent, say sole shareholder of major corp)… but not know it…
if you were to ask people of the city how-where you could find a place to work, they'd likely look at you strangely, but figure you must mean it= why'd they point out to you why would you need that? -you think you need it, but others would interpret you want to do that just "cuz". Once you ReAlized that... with the memories of where to go- etc... many problems resolved...
But modern Self-Help often interprets this sort of tale (I think I first saw this model in Sufi tales, although I’m not sure if that is were ir arose): and we hear the advice, just believe it… and yet an amnesiac who is The Boss, who Re-Members, is not the same as some random person (or even an employee of said Corp) just proclaiming that they are…
So after that diversion- the same facility that “arises” in reception and one becomes aware of that sensed (ie Divination)- and I think the awareness of the arising “knowing” is just as much of the Divination process as the contact, and as the Arising of what is received (although the emphasis is usually soley upon that last item… that same facility that receives- In Reverse sends… ie rather than at the end becoming aware of what is sensed- an awareness of what is to be send (ie willed)- start with the ending to send (vs ending up with that Knowing when receiving)- with that Awareness contact that “facility” and it arises (similar to the sense of Seeing or being affected by incoming) and that arising is communicated and transmitted via the contact-link-bridge… to the focal-pt… (thus ending with a sending from “here” to there… vs in reception from t-here we receive it Here) that same “translator-step” and the same “contact-link” used…
another differentiation that I find significant is “directly” vs Indirectly… and then a third distinction…
The Indirectly is the usual method spoken of- that is via a Symbol-system… although I sense in-depth even getting a 'sense-intuition" will become seen as indirectly- as one become more “Direct” then Indirect goes deeper… [Directly being where the knowledge, the sensory input, etc. awareness of it as an object, vs as it as a subject…so on unfolding as further distinctions reveal.] The Thinner that boundary, and more direct the “translator-step”- vs the more the transformation of outside-“energy” to an internal- and yet distinctly-clear (not fuzzy) knowing/willing from.
The third being not quite indirect nor direct- not on that continuum, but what causes that label-referents to be recalibrated- The Recognition (that comes and goes in Degrees) that one is putting this “process” in the way of what “one is” immediately-contacting (like holding a curtain in front of something, and then you “draw upon” the curtain to illustrate it).
A last thought, sort of off topic, but to add here: the idea of how Ritual or Desiring can be involving other energies, of environment of the time, of other Places (other dimensions, or other locales incorporated into), other people’s intent… and/or other Entities… or just one’s own “Psi” so to speak… and how that often gets mushed together… as an example- if I had Bill Gate’s direct biz-phone# (which I don’t), but if I did, and I called and asked for his help in say business advice on how to run a storefront (at least it is a biz-related subject… vs metallugery, although he may know much more about the second item than the specifics of the first… just cuz one is in biz… apples and apples and all that)…
so perhaps not the best use of his insights… and most of all even if he knew me, but wasn’t expecting my call, perhaps he was in the middle of a big project (mentally and energetically, even if he had “time” at the moment, ie often when “people” say they are too busy… may not mean they don’t have time to talk- ie they aren’t busy doing as you are speaking and they may have been relaxing… etc… but still “caught up in it”
And as the case may be, above was if he knew me- if I call in and we didn't know each other- at least not that way... (like having a "daily divination" and a "daily practice of LBRP" (ugh so much in that Rubric of the 4 directions, and to see it called "lesser" and done like a quick conference call- where the current President of the US, Speaker of the UN, Warren Buffet and George Soros.. all called up to listen as you tell them your woes- ie if those people were contacted, ex Arch-Angles... and if also Elemental-Kings.. and Great-Dark-Powers... not only consonant with their style and areas of interest-subjects of expertise.. but also a good integration?
and to differentiate "entities"
(non-physical with greater or lesser Energetic-powers and/or Dimensional Navigation up to the next category),
Those that have been around for many hundreds of years up to thousands (thus the first could be one-day up to hundreds of years…),
third, tens of thousands to many millions…
Fourth, from another-dimensional-realm which can’t be translated to temporal-scale here (not able to distiguish time passed here and time passed there… )…
Fifthly, coming from “the IN-Finite”… outside of the finite, the limited-partial (and as in mathematics Infinite-whole, and finite-partial are two fully distinct sets, in type-different in quality vs Quantity… ie you can’t subtract from Infinity to end up with a “large-finite” nor add to the largest Finite and “leap” to the infinite… and thus to Jump/grow from Finite to infinite changes the meanings of those words, but to send a representation into Finite- sent by an In-Finite-Un-Limited … and thus what levels of power and knowledge and influence would be implied… and yet at the same time, if you say/communicate I’m looking for a certain type of electrical-digital signals signifying “money”… or mUch better, an on-going set of coniditions… currect situation-pattern is giving me (not enough) what “new sit-pattern” would give me (enough- liked, etc.)… thus not for a boost of funds, but ongoing new “level of the thermostat”…
My point being, of the "entities" above- the levels "higher" (per label and sort-seq) would perhaps have more capability to change, but clarifying what- the larger the difference in scale, the smaller distinctions of little things (great power to "physically teleport at will".. and always been that way, if asked about travel-itinerary changes, likely never dealt with.. so how they understand? (via the "Translator-step" referred to above.. thus first Inquiry- and then listen... getting contact, you get their "feel" as they get your feel- the translation of where each is "coming from"...
and thus the final distinction: What I have called “coming from” (as in “I see where you are coming from on that…” an understanding/realization AHA is felt as a whirling or a movement and is literally a change in one’s “coming from” -after I’d used that term, I read Casteneda and was intrigued how that relates to the “assemblege point” and its movment/shifting… but reveals a different aspect of it…)- and thus a mastery of a skill is “indirectly” manipulating one’s “coming from”… vs if one could “directly” mani-pulate (grab and manuever it) into a new “coming from” appropriate to a certain mastery…
(one would perhaps not have the details of the skill- but all the understandings that make sense- to quote from Dune, “he responded to our ways as if he was born to them, even though he’d not learned them” they just made sense… which could develop further to sort of knowing-the details all-at-once… as it just makes sense, a moment before it didn’t… move the “coming from” (to the related position)… (aka energetic ‘Transmission’)
which also relates to a shift, either inspired or even “possessed”-- or just in the presence of awareness one immediately has a different understanding… whether a wise person, or a great and might Power presence… that shift is a part of, as well as affects with above…
Along with “coming from” is locale-pt … which is distinct from the first, and yet related (much as Casteneda’s writings referenced the Assm-pt pos as being sate-of-mind, state of being [like changing form, becoming an inorganic being, becoming dream…], and location. Thus movement of the assm-pt can result in “jumping” hundreds of miles, or awakening-silent-knowledge… or both…) The changing one’s locale-pt (whether afterward one ends up in the new point- we’d call that teleporting, vs afterward one ends up where you started “the practice” we’d call soul-travel ? either way omnipresence?) thus change of “coming from” and change of “locale-pt” (soultravel) (here to There-1, vs There-2) ---- which I distinguish from Omnipresence, which can grow from both “coming from” and Local-pt(s)" and above Indirect becoming Direct- Re-Vealing the Curtain… so one is not merely (Here to a There-1, or even Here to There-1 And There-2 simul- or even all known places… vs being able to tap into “any”… but not being “there” before seeking… to be omnipresent… not being in all places- but an aspect of In-Finite (that always was- IF it is there, thus not grown-developed)… forming into Finite, and yet still beyond- both
Hopefully the end, tying multiple parts together could make sense of why I didn’t see an easy way to break out these different threads- instead having to keep adding threads to try and create a compleat-fabric (and thus a long-post, that didn’t fit into an easy category upon the forum). I hope these points could be addressed and perhaps make sense of some topics… thanks for your time in reading this- luck