Hi, I am back; tried to find data on these entities, really sparce mostly due to just not good at finding such things. So I am asking you for some more pointers. if you named an entity, please tell me some good ref’s where to find good data+ tell me from you, your opinion ando’s and don’ts- where do I find their signs and sigils and where how when to best work an evocation. I honestly want them to know I love them as a foxhole partner who will gladly make their combat experience just damn funand brotherly. What did you do to wake them unto you? I have even considered making a Mala, with a trincket for each.
If it is easier- feel free to write to my email- as my hard drive is desparately wanting to die- forums right now are hell. my email is
[email protected] and my facebook is James Staples VI
I will tell you of tonights experiment since I know I did not win. I bought 2 powerball tix, while going to the store I invoke Beliel 3x3 promising him that When he Makes me win, I will buy this town- change its horrid name (Weaubleau-wtfis that?) and change it to Beliel, and erect a huge temple to his name and also for a 'spiritual science and learning center" I continued invoking his name and then moved to Baal Hadad who I have always felt has had a life long interest in me and appreciates my adorations during fiercest t-storms. 3x3, while filling out the slps I invoked Bethor and Lukorst even though I know next to nothing of them.Being guided to info discussing them, what they like want and need. would be noice.I would love to find other cities to buy and name after them with centers also. If you could guide me to some good ways to make them feel that I will work to bring them power and glory would be good
While putingthe numbers of my makeshift alter, I invoke all the names 3x3, with the addition od HADDU HADDU HADDU!!! the appellation of Baal Hadad when under stress great need and dures, while lighting my incence 3 candles and pricking my finger and bleeding into tissue supplying one bloody piece per candle while covenantingin a blood pact to fulfill what I haqve decreed if they cause the numbers I have chosen to be chosen. and if I win I will ramp up my work as I want to grease the skids with $$$ in order to further glorify their names and powers. Most all of these being Are Gods- and deserve to be appreciated as such. Blasphemy- is columny- bearing false witness of a god or High being by pigeon holing them as ‘workers of darkness and evil’. Nothing can be further from the truth for them. Though in bygone days of subversive priestly bigotry these Deities were demonized and accursed as being evil( if not taken to the captor pantheon renamed and given new job duties) Undoing the blasphemy is the greatest use of honor I can provide.
So if you guys who gave me these names, where to find good data, rituals sigils signs meditative techniques anything to increase my familiararity with them I would be greatly appreciatve- and will also be quite mindful to help finance your work if need be.
Thanks a lot.