Recommended LHP Reading

Hi all:

I was wondering if there is a recommended reading list somewhere for people following the LHP. I’ve read a lot of the books on BALG of course, but I was wondering if there were other books or a list that is recommended to help tie everything together?



What are you looking to learn? Any specific area you would like to see success or grow in? I can potentially recommend some I’ve read. There are so many good books and grimoires out there, it would be helpful if you know some of the direction you’d like to go or things you’d like to learn. :metal:t4:

I guess books that people on the LHP feel that are like “must reads”.

Everything from Asenath Mason and Thomas Karlsson :heart_eyes:


If you are not yet sure what directions you want to go with LHP Magick, I’d recommend anything by E.A. Koetting. Not only are he and Timothy the founders of BALG, but his books cover a lot of ground from the entry level to the advanced. I’d recommend checking out his YouTube channel too, as he puts out a ton of free content.

Good luck in your magical endeavors.

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I have missed something. There are books which you need to avoid at any cost. One of them is
Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine. Condensed Chaos provides a practical introduction to Chaos Magic. It took me a few years to clear myself of the misconceptions that I got from this book. Very good theory, but no working practice. Unfortunately, this was the first book I have read related to magic. This book has fooled and delayed me for years. The impact of this book is very similar to what you get when you first read a magic forum. “Yes. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. Sigil magic works. The demons work. I have to open my senses and learn to get into trance.” etcetera. Generally, this is the source of a lot of problems that you will get if you are lazy or unable to go to the cemetery or, for example, pour a doll for some reason. The funny thing is that my memories of this book again lied to me at the end of last year. “Maybe I was wrong.” :smiley:

I LOVE Asenath Mason’s books. I have a lot of them. I also have Thomas Karlsson’s Goetia book. I actually just recently applied to the Dragon Rouge. I have not heard back from them though. :frowning: Not sure what is up with that. Wondering if just the holidays or what? I think it’s been about two weeks now.

Everything from Ixaxaar