Recognizing Vampirism and Mind Control/Manipulation - how to shield yourself

How do you recognize when you have a Vampiric entity in your life? And what specific steps do you recommend to first recognize, and then to cut any energetic ties or bonds which may be controlling/manipulating your emotions and choices. Sexual fluids and blood are two very strong bonds which have already been shared with the person in question. I don’t want to break the bond if it is helpful/beneficial, but I need to recognize if it is at all vampiric in nature, or negatively affecting my energy or choices.

Looking for suggestions of specific rituals, meditation, and entities to call on for psychic protection/shielding, as well as recognizing the intentions of others, and freeing myself of any negative influences, vampirism or control.


There was a recent post about vampyric entities. December I believe.


I share semen with Lilith, Naamah, and whoever else for whatever reason wants energy. Its draining. Luckily the body closes shop to restock.
Blood I imagine is the same - a direct DNA link to the operator or target.
A question is, why are these fluids necessary in what you or associates do? Not accusing, saying or anything else then reason for the choice. If there is no good reason, then you shouldn’t provide it.
My opinion.


Re: the blood, at this point its more about dealing with the consequences of what has already been provided. The blood was already offered, the link is there, now its just how to shield myself, and make reparations afterwards. I did certainly learn to take more care in the future. *Note, I’m more concerned with the human than the entity (it was a co-working)


At this area, I’m at a loss. I can say the mirror suit and the drinking glass are entry level good. Mirror suit … They don’t see you, just themselves and its a return to sender (a well known spell exists for that). The drinking glass mutes you or whoever as the glass upside down contains them until lifted.
Basic Wicca stuff I learned.
Other than that, I have no info, sorry bro.


Thanks :slight_smile: (ps. chick, not bro. i know. its the anonymous internet!)


Ah, well ma’am, happy to help … I guess I assumed it was a guy … What an ass I am :slight_smile:


Only ass(uming) :slight_smile: Ps. I didn’t find that article from December, I’m looking back at some earlier archived stuff, but please link if you find it! Thanks :slight_smile:

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