Receiving Clearer Signs

Sometimes we struggle with hearing, sensing or perceiving exactly what a spirit is trying to tell us, be it an ancestor, a deity/demon/angel. This is where signs come in.

For anyone reading this that struggles with receiving clear signs from spirit, you could ask your patron/matron/specific spirit you work with for a particular sign as a yes, no, a warning or a sign of something in particular.

An example of this is if you don’t trust someone and you have spirits looking out for you, you could call on this spirit at any time and ask them to show you a certain creature, number or shape, if someone is not to be trusted.

If you are looking for a yes, you could consult the tarot, ask whomever you may call on to help you divine, for a specific card to show up as a yes and another card to show up if you’re looking for a no.

If you want to receive an answer to your, you could ask spirit for a dream with the answer, providing you have a method to remember dreams, I hear peppermint is good for dream recall.

You could use this also if you aren’t sure if a particular spirit wants to work with you, or would be open to working with you. This would apply both if you were unsure if they wanted to work with you but have seen some kind of signs that they are reaching out but you want to double-check or if you are the one reaching out to them and are unsure of whether or not they would be open to working with you.

If ever anyone is stuck or needs a sign of anything, perhaps try this if you haven’t already.

Lastly, if anyone has any other methods of asking for signs from the entities we work with or request to work with, besides divination, do feel free to share them in the comments.