Rape dream interpretation, please

Hi there.

My girlfriend had a nightmare last night where I was raping her and she kept telling me to stop, but I didn’t. I also did not say anything.

All she remembers is that and the fact that we were in a house, at the couch.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I mean for real lmao.

We don’t have problems in the bedroom and I definitely never raped her or anyone else.


Normally, the first thing to interpret a dream is to see what emotions are there. In this case, fear of lacking agency. Because rape is never about sex, a rapist is someone who takes the will from a person, making it clear that the victim lives because the criminal allows it.

In this case I don’t see anything occult in the dream. She is afraid of loosing too much of herself for your own sake. If you guys are quite young, then it makes perfect sense since it is a normal fear.

Hope this helps.


You mean she might feel afraid of giving herself to me completely? Not literally of course. I mean in a romantic way, like really giving your heart to that person

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More like having too little time for her own stuff, you making all the relevant calls in the relationship, etc.


At first I thought it could be a spirit using me as his mask, for sadistic purposes. But that makes sense too

Not always will be magick related, my friend. As a general rule, I would say look always for a mundane cause first.

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