Race change

Is it possible to get a demon to modify your genetics to match that of another race, like make mines match that of a asian and white person?


You can pull off a michael jackson


You certainly can try. I hesitate to say a demon can, but YOU, yourself can. Its all to get that reptilian! :smiley:

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Nah, he was still black genetically lol

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Maybe through biokinesis?

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Perhaps my eyes are teal thanks to Biokensis they use to be Ocean blue
didin’t think it would work originally…oops lol

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Lmao, congrats i Guess

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And yeah, its why my blood work always comes back fucked up now. All crazy AB- and shit.

You could hack your body and find out. I recommend the book Inner Alchemy by Taylor Ellwood.


Try a demon that’s associated with glamor? if this is possible, then a glamor demon should be the one for you. Azazel or Gremory come to mind.


Hmm… what a question…I’d suggest an Alien gene.

I was told President Marbas to change it and then Duke Gremory to make it look nice

Oh man :grin::grin: be you, just like him, this man plays an alien :smile: