
Isn’t there another place besides YouTube where you can make videos and stuff?

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Speaking of YouTube, does it cost money to upload videos to a channel?

No not that I’m aware of.


I’m debating it once more.

It didn’t charge me. I just don’t like YouTube anymore haha…I’m being a baby I know :joy:

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Why not?

Recent policy changes and some attempts at censoring -.-

They deleted one of my videos and didn’t even tell me or anything. And it wasn’t even bad. It was just their bullshit.


They have been doing quite a bit of that -_- its a pain in the ass. They have also reconfigured their search parameters to make finding certain topics they think are “improper” are harder to find and have taken down quite a few channel. It is bullshit.

I see. Maybe I’ll seek a new platform. Or use my prowess…

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Isn’t there Vimeo and Patreon? Am I mistaken?

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I’ve done it before (for non-magic topics) and the uploading itself doesn’t cost money. The cost is time, lol.

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Patreon is a fundraising and support system that’s reward-based.

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Vidme is shutting down right now, ending December 15th. Bitchute stands to become the next big thing now, and I imagine Youtube’s days are numbered. I will be starting a channel there myself soon.