Question regarding pact

So i made a pact with hagith that im not sure if i even made or not, it was a long time pact so i offered blood but it was too little, n ot even a drop that it looked like a fucking dot but i someone got it on the sigil and its kinda hard to prick my finger and i cant have lansets
SO for pacts, does it have to be drop of blood? Or even little blood is fine? Do i have to try again? Or quantity of blood doesn’t matter, only matters is that i even got blood on the sigil?

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I have heard the intention is the important thing. If they have a drop of blood, then they have your DNA and that should work. They have a direct connection to you

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Hagith is the olimpic spirit of Venus. It’s not a demon. So blood is not really required, right?

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i hope so^^’

In the book of Chaos magick are only the sigils and the magick formulas of barbarous words and IAO. So without blood is perfectly correct. Olimpic spirits want offerings of emotions and sentiments. How about watching your most beloved movie :smile:

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okay then, gratitude it is! :slight_smile:

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I have trouble getting blood from pricking fingers myself, I have had them encourage me to give more blood as in some cases too little was too little, the pact should still be the pact but it is not good practice to give so little. If my finger isn’t doing so good I rip open blood through a hang nail… or I don’t use my own blood, I will use blood from meat that the butcher doesn’t get rid of. It is a bit watered down sometimes but you get way more. You will need to print it out on much thicker paper because otherwise it rips and you don’t want that too happen.

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