Question - Goetia mappings to tunnels of set

How is the mapping done, and is there a list or table somewhere which tells you where goetic demons fall into path x?

Well, since the Tunnels of Set are a modern creation of Kenneth Grant, and the Goetia predates them by several hundred years, I’d say it is most likely completely arbitrary.


Okay so its not like Orobas hangs out on the nightside version of Chesed or Netzach, and Gremory is only found in the nightside of Mem then? Wow, Sturgeons rule is is effect apparently.

Obviously. Even the tree of life schematic we know is predated by Goetia.


I wondered about it due to VK’s site and some site run by Lucyfera, where4 they both kind of relayed bits and pieces of info they found, that Gremory hangs out on that nightside of Mem, and Orobas was found on the nightside of either Chesed or Netzach. Okay … good to know rather than blindly following a theory.

Here’s the thing: The Tree of Life, the Qlippoth, the Tunnels of Set, etc, are nothing but maps, created by humans, with no objective validity to any of them, so you can fit pretty much anything onto them if you try hard enough. All you have to do is come up with a sound reason for it in your own mind.

Hell, if Donald Tyson could squeeze HP Lovecraft’s Old Ones, fiction alien beings who are said to exist outside of space and time in alternate dimensions, onto the Tree of Life in his system of the 13 Gates of the Necronomicon, then you really can put anything anywhere.