Question about King Belial

I am 20 years old, I am a beginner magician, I have been doing this craft for less than a year. My age is characterized by youthful maximalism, because of which I have already managed to kick my ass. In general, my spirit is weak, I understand that I am weak, disrespectful and also a coward. I would like King Belial to help me grow a backbone. If need be, kick my ass right. But I understand that this demon is not for novice magicians, especially with my disrespect, I can only get problems. Your opinion, should I ask him for help to grow from a boy to a man?


He can be a harsh teacher sure, but he won’t cause any serious harm to you. He was the first being I worked with too and I had no issues.
You can also ask Haagenti for mental transformation too whilst working with Belial.
Another thing you should do is positively reaffirming that you already are what you want to be.


What i know Belial is also known as the one with no master. So what i undersand and how i feel and interprete this Demonicial Being is that if you start working with him he will teach you autonomity, selfreliance, and first of all selfmastery for the serious and respectfull novice unto the highest rang of magician. Also has and edge of lawlessnes and rebellion, you come across as an unrefined Belial, i am sure Belial would refine these edges of himself in you if you take these spiritual practices of evocation invocation and guidance of him into theory and practice, and learn to set boundarys and show him the Version of you unbowing before any auhority be it weakness and Obstacles of yourself and set by forces outside of yourself.

Just start introduce yourself lightly by meditation upon him and his name and ask the question if you and him are ready to spiritualy work on your topic. And when not, ask why and when itl be ready, what should you do, and of such.




Thank you for answering! For now I’m working with Lilith. Could there be problems here?

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Nah just make sure making some space to process these interactions and energys by meditation and leting the impressions sink and absorb into your being (If not you accumulate chaos and destruction over time) and mixing it also with mundane task where you dont think much. So have some distance of time in each ritual you want to perform or has performed. You could if you have grown a litle make rituals where you combine these two forces for a specific purpose or just for spiritual selfrefinement is an example.

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Immediately after writing this post, I had the idea to throw away my vape. I sat on my bed, began to cough, laugh, feel great lightness and joy. There was a very powerful unexpected purge. When I find weakness in my head, I start to cough it up. I feel this garbage rising from my stomach to my throat and out. It’s amazing, it’s a little hard for me to describe it. The process is still going on as I write. I will offer him blood in gratitude. Hail King Belial!


Fuck, I never felt this qualities in me before.He did it so strong. I feel that I should destroy weakness now and I don’t apologize, but DO right things


I honestly feel you’ll turn into a fine young man after working with Belial if you choose to follow through with his teachings. I work with him on a regular basis and am grateful for what he’s taught me and helped me achieve.


A post was split to a new topic: Conflict Between Spirits

No. You should not just yet. You need to do this work on your own, spiritual work, and it sounds like you need to do A LOT of shadow work! Many of these spirits will expect the same. This also sounds like you must learn to respect yourself first so you understand how to give respect. When you start working on your self, even if you need to write down a to do list, then you get a better frame of mind where to go next. Think of it as asking someone you never met, and is well respected , to do all the work for a lazy ass. Why would anyone or spiritual beings want to assist you. Unless you wish to be more miserable than you are now. You’re not even going to get more help than this message from me. Do the work kid!!!

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