Question about charging objects

So I have a Question. In Koettings book it says left hand gives and right hand takes. But a few people I talk to charge an object with their right hand and very adamantly state always use your right hand to charge. Wouldn’t it make more since to do so from the left hand?


To be honest i think its whatever hand you write with. So your dominant hand would that one and the other would be to recieve.


I think that aswell mostly because I feel like I can control energy better in my left hand then my right. (I’m a lefty)

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Same here lol i think it works on whatever you feel is the more dominant of the two!


Thanks for asking the question.

I felt confused about this as well, being a lefty.

It is good to visualize energy flows (duh! ) so when a circulation style flow gets to the arms/hands it is nice to know how to visualize the directionality.


My favorite part about the technique I’m talking about is when I show people I’m being legit and steal their energy I give it right back and legitimately shocks almost everyone


When I did the Middle Pillar ritual under the RHP, I visualized the energy coming out my right hand. Now, I just visualize the energy coming from my heart chakra usually or both my hands into the object.

You can also visualize an orb of light filled with your intent coming out of your aura and filling the object. The object absorbs the energy orb charging it.


I watched one of EA’s YouTube videos and he specifically said that the right hand gives and the left hand takes. However, there is no mention in the Psychic Vampire Codex that the right or left hand matters…

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