Purple's Vampire Code and Know How

So I have my own personal vampire code. Its only meant as a guide, nothing more.

Who I refuse to vamp.

  1. Anyone under 18.
  2. Workers while I am out.
  3. Doctors or nurses.
  4. Any old stranger.
  5. Anyone that didn’t give me their consent first.

Now, how to vampire someone is quite easy.

  1. Imagine a black tentacle coming from your groin area.
  2. See your target.
  3. Push it through their base chakra or groin area.
  4. Pull in their energies.
  5. Once it feels done, call it back.

You will pick up some shit, so you better have a method of keeping your own energy clean and clear.


Hentai manga seems to be very inspiring.


Lmao I swore I wasn’t going to say anything but I see I was beat to the punch regardless lol


It’s interesting enough but the were wolf life is the life for me…

Interesting code. It is good to have one, since my first experiment with vampyrism where on random people which pretty much left me with all different kinds of energy that I needed to purify myself from after.

I personally use vampyrism as self-defence tool than attack, using the tentacles to protect myself against curses and absorbe its energy

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I never knew how easy it could be to perform vampirism and probably wouldn’t have considered it much but recently noticed myself with lower energy. I think some people seem to naturally feed off of others around them, possibly feeding from people like me. So thank you for the guide :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s nice to see who not to vamp on.
I would also choose for my not to vamp list, pregnant women/women with small children. As your list suggests, there’s no need to go for just anyone in sight.

This is a nice and easy introductory guide, thank you Purple :slightly_smiling_face:


Basically you dont use it to “attack” im seeing.

Wow, that seems really easy! Thanks for sharing!

I have decided to bring my own one of kind vampire style to the forum, when my apprentice as concluded it.

I haven’t fed in several months. I haven’t felt the need to. I tried several days ago, and the thought sickened me.

It means my energy bodies are fully healed. It was the end goal.

Never doubt, I am still, and always a vampire. Just got upgraded is all.


How do you prevent yourself from picking up stuff? Just cleansing or LBRP?

you can use filters as well as cleansing the energy The Psychic Vampire Codex is a good way to start

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So is there a special significance to the tentacle coming from the groin area specifically? Like is it easier to vamp more energy from a part of the body that is for sex than just anywhere?

Awesome idea

Maybe it is because @Purple is a woman, and the female genitalia are receiving / attracting. The male option would be the left hand (attracting / female) .

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Thats true