Purple's Daily Visualisations and Incantations

My daily thread for whatever pops up in my head for the forum. Well, let’s start with the Tree of Life.


Really look at this picture. Stare at it. Remember what it looks like in your mind’s eye.

Starting to move the energy up from the bottom, through the middle, out through the top of the tree branches.

Feel the energy moving freely.


When I stare at it, it beats like a heart hmmm…


Eternal One

Your true Self. As universe is born and dies you remain.
As vast ages swirling by you remain You.
As death, death of pits fall into the Oneness we all fight against. You remain you.
As a whole creation is born with all 12 dimensions, universes, and all matter of life in it, you remain you.
Forever the same, forever changing.
You remain you.


External Manifestation of the Dragons Eye


To will. To know. To keep secret. To have patience.

I manifest Thyself to be true.


Tried to Sway Sight

.conquer the old over the new me
.the rot is to much to bear alone
.its all rather sad

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Thereby Powers

.unknown imagine the whole
.break it down
.tear it all down
.enkindle the seeds on the eons

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Observe Easily

.quite the busyness
.business is a must
.sale high/sail high
.buy low/my goodbye

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Without Attachment

.a function, you hate
.a wish, you want
.a dream, your daymare
.a thing, me


Gaze of I

.tie maze
.fry craze
.lie braze
.pi 3.14159265359

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