Psychic powers

Hello there. Do you know any spirit (demon or god) who can help me develop my psychic powers (especially telekinesis, umbrakinesis and chronokinesis).


Did you try the search? There are a lot of good answers here.

My approach is this is not your easiest path. While it happens that very rarely, an entity does change your energy for you, usually it’s faster, safer and more reliable to do the work yourself. It’s not something you can or should really take shortcuts on.

I say safer, because you don’t really want to get into shamanic sickness territory if you can help it. Having senses opened all at one is reportedly debilitating, and takes as long to control it as it does to develop slowly.

Like going to the gym, practice little and often, make practicing part of the your lifestyle, and ket it be ok to take years to build up.

A few people have reported that entities like Lucifuge, Danatlion, Paimon can help, and for gods, all the gods of magick and communication… Hecate, Freya, Odin, Hermes etc.

This is one of my favorite answers for this:

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Most effective way is to cultivate your own energy. Quick and dirty way is have someone or something build you an adapter or amplifier that converts your energy into a more refined output but you still have to get the technique down on your own.

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