Problems with extramarital relationship. I contacted Belial to help me

Hey guys! I would like advice. I have been in an extramarital relationship for a little over 1 year. However his girlfriend and his family came to suspect something about 6 months ago and our relationship has become more distant. We have no intention of leaving our official relationships because it was something agreed upon between the two of us. My problem starts when a few months ago he became a cold and extremely fearful person. He is always being watched by people close to him and this is affecting his psychology. I had some discussions with my extramarital partner and we walked away for a while and things started to happen. I got very sick and had serious problems with my sexual organ, not to mention financial problems, objects breaking inside the house etc … I consulted the oracles to understand what was going on, and I found out that his official girlfriend did some forced magic loving to him and separating magic against us. He also, at some point of desperation, asked a friend to do something against me, so that I wouldn’t end it definitively (maybe some forced loving magic too). I did my banning and cleaning and managed to solve it. We spoke again and since December, he has appeared and disappeared for a while, because of family problems. I am currently (two weeks) contacting Belial to help me resist and manipulate the energies that are coming against me. I went back to see my extra marital 1 week ago and he is extremely tired, sick and in serious financial trouble, his psychology is even worse but I feel that he does not want to give up on the relationship he has with me, we have already talked about. Would Belial be the right entity for this? I feel like I’m sick and very tired too. But I would like to eliminate the energies and keep people who are manipulating against me and my extramarital bf.

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I don’t think magick can help you here. It sounds to me like it’s just the sheer physiological and psychological fatigue of having to essentially live two lives. I was with a married woman in her 30s a few years ago. At first it was exciting and sexy and passionate, but after a few months she started to become paranoid that her husband was spying on her and making financial decisions to ensure that she could never leave him. The anxiety started to mount and she began to mentally deteriorate. That’s when we realised that her paranoia was valid. Suffice to say, it ended tragically.

That’s not to say that yours will, it’s just something to be aware of.

If he has any friends I would suggest that he arranges a lad’s weekend in the wilderness to clear his mind and ground him. If the problem still persists, the chances are you are dealing with a combination of natural fatigue and magickal influence. The influence you can address but the fatigue is entirely down to his own will.


Yes, you are right. It would be difficult to convince him to go out to a quiet place and meditate. When he came to me yesterday, he is completely depressed and does not have much enthusiasm for action. Thank you friend!

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Angel Opfaal can break any curse. He is in Kingdom Of Flames but you can find his sigil with Google really


thank you! I’ll search now

Do a return to sender then command Azazel to banish them from your life, in confusion and inability. Lucifer can make them unwilling to retaliate.

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interesting. but I’m not sure who exactly is doing this (the oracle pointed out possibly his official girlfriend, but his family also gets in the way), would it work without having a specific sender?
I started working with dantalion recently as I read several topics here on the forum. He seems more affectionate, kind, and sociable with me, but he is still extremely depressed. As friend @anon65811498 suggested, I took him to rest and meditate, but he is still “out”. as if he liked to talk to me and seemed more at ease, but I felt a great sadness hiding.

Hayiel will be able to do the “return to sender”, and if you don’t know who it is, then what you can command him to do is to know the original truth of your situation, and to know the true culprit. He will then see the whole situation, and he’ll be able to trace the magick back to the sender. You’ll find Hayiel’s sigil and the ritual in Angelic Sigils, Keys & Calls by Ben Woodcroft which is available cheaply on Amazon. Or you can summon Riyiyel to reveal to you the true identity of your attacker, and then summon Hayiel. Riyiyel’s sigil and ritual are in the same book. Alternatively, you could, if you’d prefer, summon Vassago and ask him to show you who your attacker is.

Your friend needs to heal his sadness. There are a number of ways to do this, but Raphael will be helpful for you, and his seal and ritual are also found in the book I’ve just mentioned.

As someone else said, you can go to Opfaal to break the bondage. Spiritual bondage relies on fear, so your friend will need to rid himself of his fear. I recommend Azazel for this (itz rel, itz rel, Azazel) as he is excellent for removing fears and other toxic emotions, along with the lies, and replacing them with the truth.

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Hm is this worth it?

I’m not sure if you can sustain it. If his spouse is really doing magic, and if he is getting someone to do magic… This just sounds dangerous and a lot of work. What if she decides she wants you dead? Like… if I were to curse or control someone, well for starters I wouldn’t do it to someone who already knew about magic, because that will lead to a fight that could be exhausting or dangerous or time-consuming. IF I were in a magical battle with someone, well… wouldn’t your aim be to kill them immediately so they can’t be a threat to you? How do you know the other fellow/girl won’t jump the gun?

I just think, you can’t ever convince his spouse you two aren’t seeing each other now cause she already knows, she’ll always be keeping an eye on him. So she’ll probably leave him one day if you don’t. But you want your current partner. What if she gets bitter and still continues to curse you after she dumps him? You could fight her. But how much time do you want to spend on this, and what if she decides to hire more experienced magical practitioners to try to kill you?

If it were me… I think I’d let extra guy go.


I already thought about it. The dangers I may be running. But I am still in the process of understanding why I am in this relationship. There is a lot of attachment and fear of losing and I am working on it psychologically.

I’m not sure if anyone suggested this, but have you considered strengthening the love between you and your current partner? If you refuse to leave them, which is your business, then obviously there is something keeping you with this person. Why not cut and clear the side guy, and work on the relationship with your partner? I’m not judging, I know how you feel…I’ve been there and made the decision to move on from the person because it was clear we would never be together the way I wanted us to be…

Good luck.


it may seem strange but i love my partner, we have been together for a long time. and I still don’t really understand why I am in this other relationship. It happened without anything scheduled and when I realized it all was happening. My extramarital also has a lot of attachment to the official girlfriend and they have been for a long time, i’m really lost. I can’t let go.

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