Probably a stupid question, but

Lucifer fits in with Ahriman, magickally speaking?
I know that they are in different Pantheons.

@KingOfHearts616 @Dinmiatus @KurtisJoseph can probably answer. I am not the Ahrimanian expert here.


Im no expert just a one in for the deep dive into the dark :japanese_ogre: but thanks for thinking of me @TheStorm

At work atm,but my first instinct says yes and no. As Lucifer does represent the adversary for those who work with him but he also represents the lightbringer.
Where as ahriman represents divine darkness of the void.

So from their correspondences there is a clash from from the get go. There is a connectiin though as my own work has me about to work with lucifer and the 72 goetic spirits separately from my work on the path of smoke as a way to explore power which is within self and outside of self.

And to give some perspective this :point_up: and the evocations i have done since i pick up the work of Black magick of ahriman are all the ritual evocations of entities i have done on purpose, [quote=“Dinmiatus, post:3, topic:22969, full:true”]

Im no expert just a one in for the deep dive into the dark :japanese_ogre: but thanks for thinking of me @TheStorm

At work atm,but my first instinct says yes and no. As Lucifer does represent the adversary for those who work with him but he also represents the lightbringer.
Where as ahriman represents divine darkness of the void.

So from their correspondences there is a clash from from the get go. There is a connectiin though as my own work has me about to work with lucifer and the 72 goetic spirits separately from my work on the path of smoke as a way to explore power which is within self and outside of self.

And to give some perspective my work in purposeful ritual evocation of entites is limited to when i picked up Black magick of ahriman. Had 2 i stumbled into 1 with the crawling chaos as a kid and 1 with the archangel Michael when i was makin sure i had ways to protect myself.

Other than those 1 the rest has been a combination of elemental, planetary work and a time spent with invocations with shiva,ganesha and durga.

Before i forget to mention, also had a few entites show up on their own accord. Posted about this elsehere. Goes to show what happens when ya open doors to the depths :laughing:


What do you mean fit together? Are you wondering if you working with them will fuck anything up?

Because I invoked both of them at once one time and I’m still alive.

They are both liberators of mankind, so I would think there would be some form of synergy.

They are from different currents and as @Dinmiatus stated, Lucifer is the light bearer, where as Ahriman is the pure absence of light.


Rudolph Steiner. Look into his writing. I will never cover this connection. Steiner has good insight though. I would not agree with all he says but still… he has good insight.

I refuse to cover this connection because the Divs want it this way. They keep the work very specific in a cultural sense. For the same reason I will not mention deities such as Mithra within the Ahrimanian work.
I will say this much regarding these forces conceptually… Ahriman is the hidden potential within, which becomes our highest consciousness (Lucifer) when found.


This may explain the massive pull ive had the last few weeks as i prepared to hurl and hurled myself into a spirtual centrifuge and why ive got a pull to explore this more lol :rofl:


So Ahriman is our own dark side?
As Satan in JC lore.

As stated above ahriman is potential. You may wanna look into kurtis gave cause i kinda gave up tryin to compare or cross over references between the 2 paradigms. Everytime i did it “shorted out” in ritual for lack of a better way to put it. I have to shut my brain off anytime it tries to pull references from kabbalah or other reglious sources when i am figuring out things within the context of the path of smoke.

Largely because the “maps” are completely different.
Kurtis posted a bit about it here


Here you go.

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:laughing: there is good stuff there

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Yeah, it’s my favorite blog.