Preparations for safe and effective astral projection/soul travel?

What exercises should be a daily given, what preparations do you do mentally and physically to start astral projecting or soul traveling?

Depends, what tradition are you following to learn it by?

I would say, pick a method, and stick to that, for months if need be. The exercises will be slightly different depending on the source you use.

It’s mostly a case of keep trying to actually do it until you do it.


  • if you are to use the methods over here at How to Lucid, you would do steps 1 to 4 daily.
  • If you did the steps from Robert Bruce in his book, Astral Dynamics, I think? then do those daily.
  • If you use a method off youtube (where there are dozens), do that… Michael Raduga’s is my favourite.

Just resumed this interest a few days ago, about safety there is the drawing of a circle but it should be such that the astral body may cross it while “nasties” cannot. Or instead of circle, only surrounding oneself with white energy.
There are the mantras Faraon and Egipto, ideally to vibrate while visualizing to be amongst the pyramids; also other ones, for example Laras.
It’s possible to train in order to reach each one of Robert Monroe’s stages and, anyway, in relaxation and trance too.

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Practice waking up without moving or opening your eyes. Easiest way to AP is immediately upon waking from sleep, or in the hypnagogic state/sleep paralysis, when your mind is awake but your body isn’t.


this method works for me… plus the muscle relaxation before sleep followed by the count down from 1 to 14 and then from 14 to 1, gets me ready for sleep paralysis

Well, the reason I ask is I’ve had two experiences in my life but no full cigar. Had one lucid dream as well that ran three days in a row.
But, when it comes to AP, I’m ignorant of the subject. I front even know why those two events occurred before since I knew the same then as I do now.