Praise to Beliel - Lesson Learned

The details are not important; however, I am grateful to know that something near and dear to my heart has been heard.

The more I go within my path, the more I am stunned to realize how much more at peace I am with myself and just letting go. On Friday, I was pissed off at the world and every intention to do a break up spell on a subject I hate with a passion.

Instead, I summoned Beliel and got a lecture of a lifetime - again. Through a little miracle, I was able to step back and received news I needed to hear.

My gentle beasts are very much loved and the world will change as people understand. For the safety of myself and another, I will not say what or who the gentle beasts are.

Lesson Learned:

Stand up for yourself and fight for what you want, even if you’re standing alone. Live big, dream big, and go outside .

As I advocated for myself, my anger was calmed somewhat. I was able to refocus myself and not cause harm. My works with Beliel will be a lifetime, due to how indoctrinated I am with the beliefs I have.

Also learned today:

I am my own twin flame. And our soulmates are everywhere.