Praise Anpu

I recommend you all try working with Anubis for magickal empowerment and prosperity. He’s been blessing me with great oportunities and important reflections.

I want to say thank you once again, Pater Necromantia. Hail Anpu and his legions.


He’s also great for protection, he is known as the decaying one meaning he removes all decay by reflecting it back to you. He’s also known as the one removes evil from the temple. He’s intervened in my life multiple times to be rid of decay and potential fatality

He’s amazing! Hail Anpu :sun_with_face:


Indeed he is. Very protective and brave, and he pushes you to become like him to your loved ones as well. It’s crazy.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too, hes also really compassionate, like I’ve done horrible things that really pissed him off but he was still looking out for me, I like his wolf pack mentality, he made me stop lying out of fear or whatever self justified reason period. He’s perfect for embodying that divine masculine energy