Powerful Spiritual Bathing : Undoing Magick Attacks, Curses, Hexes etc

Powerful Spiritual Bathing : Undoing Magick Attacks, Curses, Hexes etc.

This is for those of you that feel or fear your under magickal attack, any curses placed upon you and any hex. You will need of course a bath tub, some of you don’t have them I know, but i would suggest you find access to one.

Ingredients Required.

  1. Jar Of Natural Water - This should be collected from a stream or any natural outdoor clean water source. This should be charged in the sunlight.

  2. Sea Salt - Purification & Cleansing

  3. Rosemary - Purification

  4. Thyme - Dispels Negativity & Hopelessness

  5. Frankincense Resin

  6. Agrimony Flower/Agrimony Dry Herb - Perfect Hex Breaker Herb

  7. Star Anise - Used for both curse breaking, Purification and to become rebalanced

  8. Tiny Pinch Of Coffee Grounds - Great for uncrossing and removing curses

  9. Spearmint - Expelling all toxic energies and cleansing

  10. Pestle & Mortar - To crush and combine the concotion properly

  11. Three white candles

Obtain your jar/Mason jar with natural Water which has already been charged in solar light, the jar should be made entirely of glass, this is best for charging. Once done add three tablespoons of sea salt into the water.

Take into your left hand the herb, Rosemary and hold your right hand just hovering over it and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, as you do visualise the energy within the herb pulsating slowly and faintly. Sensing the dormant power and energy of the herb, its just waiting to be awaken and given its task, programmed with intent. Inhale deeply and as you do this pull the energy of that herb into your own being, feeling it intensifying within your own spirit. Exhale and push it back into the herb, repeat this about three or four times. Until the herb is literally beating intensely and fully potent and which point state.

“Creature Of Earth, Spirit Of Rosemary, I Activate You & Awaken The Magick And Power Contained Within You. Awaken Your Powers Of Purification, Awaken, Awaken, Awaken”.

Once done throw it into the mortar, now activate the other herbs with the same method.

Say each of these statements as you activate each of the ingredients.

Thyme :

“Creature Of Earth, Spirit Of Thyme, I Activate You & Awaken The Magick And Power Contained Within You. Awaken The Power Within You Which Dispels Negativity & Hopelessness, Awaken, Awaken, Awaken”.

Throw it in the mortar …

Agrimony :

“Creature Of Earth, Spirit Ot Agrimony, I Activate You & Awaken The Magick And Power Contained Within You. Awaken The Power Within You Which Breaks, Destroys & Vanquishes Hexes And Curses Upon Me, Awaken Now, Awaken, Awaken”.

Throw it in the mortar …

Star Anise :

“Creature Of Earth, Spirit Of Star Anise, I Activate You & Awaken The Magick And Power Contained Within You. Awaken The Powers Within You That Breaks Curses, The Powers Of Purification And The Power To Be Rebalanced & Centred Within Myself. Awaken now, Awaken, Awaken”.

Throw it in the mortar …

Spearmint :

“Creature Of Earth, Spirit Of Spearmint, I Activate You & Awaken The Magick And Power Contained Within You Awaken The Powers Of Expelling All And Cleanse My Being, Awaken now, Awaken, Awaken”.

Throw it in the mortar …

Coffee :

“Creature Of Earth, Spirit Of Coffee, I Activate You & Awaken The Magick And Power Contained Within You Awaken The Powers To Break Any Harmful Magick Upon Me And Infuse Your Uncrossing Power Into This Spell, Awaken now, Awaken, Awaken”.

Throw it into the mortar …

Now their all thrown into the mortar, hold in your cupped hands the pieces of frankincense resin. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, visualise above you a seven pointed white brilliant burning star. Know that this is the cosmic force of balance, peace, tranquility and that force of universal healing of the cosmic heavens.

As you begin inhaling and exhaling, visualise the light descending upon you and circulate you, both clockwise and counterclockwise. The more breathe and become intune with the energy, do this until this light is gaining critical mass. Once it reaches it total solidity and critical mass, pull it into your being by inhaling and as you exhale funnel this channeled light from the star, from your being into the chunks of resin. Do this until you feel a potent magnetism emanate from the resin junks.

Then add that into the mortar …

Now with the pestle and mortar crush all the activated and consecrated ingredients. As you crush it do it clockwise and close your eyes whilst you do, visualising as it all breaks down and becomes “finer” the energies and powers combine and converge perfectly. Once everything is crushed to the maximum, hold both your hands over it feel how the energy is entirely different and push your own energy and power into the concoction and state.

“Creature Of Magick, The Spirit Of Balance, Purification, Cleansing, Uncrossing & Chain Breaking Power, I Cause You To Come Alive Now, Reborn As Creature Of My Sorcerous Works, Open Your Eyes So You May See Me, Open Yours Ears So You May Hear Me, Awaken Now, Awaken”.

Now add all of them into the solar charged water in the jar, screw the lid onto the jar. Light three white candles in the shape of a triangle, place the jar in the centre of triangle. Now light the wicks and as all three candles are burning, meditate in front of the jar as it sits. I suggest visualising spiritual white light emanate from each candle and entering into the jar and the ingredients contained therein.

Charging it with a spiritual light of Purification, Cleansing, Expelling, Sacred Light. Once all candles have burnt out you can then run a bath, unscrew the jar and add as much as you feel is necessary. As you slowly pour it into the water, visualise it as magickal glowing water. Turning the rest of the bathwater to magickal light too, step into the bath water and sit/lay down. Meditate and visualise not only does the water expel, cleanse and remove any toxicity and Negativity. Visualise a spiritual magickal steam rising and breathe it in, visualise it coursing through you.

Relax, take it, easy, think positive, if you wish you can say any statement of intent or incantation that resonates with you. Just before you leave the bath, remember to step out backwards and I suggest you allow your whole entire body to air dry as opposed to using a towel.




This is awesome work man… :ok_hand:


Thank you :blush:


saved so I can print out at work and put in my grimoire.


This is so very much needed in the forum. Thanks for writing it up. I’m book making it to use when people need help. Thanks C.Kendall!


Feel like @Healing_Heart could use this

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