Power sensing topic

Of you, or someone else?

of me Fuego… I feel this pain

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oh and can you see the entity i have at me bathtub ledge… Funny I almost died from him…in both forms…

I saw one side of a face, a watchful dark human eye with whispy dark hair.
Then there was black veil obstruction, felt neck and arm pain, and mergrx myself with you, visualizing healing energy from toe to head. Detached.


you see the (medically termed sensory neurpathy and stroke) the meat hooks in my sholuderblades are fucking killing me.

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You can try Marbas, his name popped into my head…

I will try this.

I have asked his help in diagnosing. however I feel that with that he took with the help of Lucifer the damaging entities out of my life. They often do more than you request and for your higher self…

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@damia2hell I saw something quite similar to @Fuego1
A man clocked in black… dark wispy hair… his clothing seemed to follow wispy patterns well… (Ironically enough, I’m also having a bath right now). Long, pointed, sharp nails, he digs one into my left cheek… dragging it down… scratching. He stops at my thoat, and pierces it. I see him grin… old, raggity face… bad teeth I might add. He perches himself up against the tub. Grinning again, he turns his attention to the water. He dips his bloody finger into the water… all of the water turns to blood. He laughs. Then he lurks over to my face… as though he’s trying to consume my body… he gets too close. I open my eyes, the vision ends.
You good dude?

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Anyone know how to siphon its name out of it? Easy to create a sigil to bind it/trap it in an object.

@ queenofhearts do you remember the western movie where the natives have the white man hanging from meat hooks has a right of passage, well someone something from my past is attaching hooks to me. I have been ostracized by my entire family officially as of Easter. I just finished as spell dooming any friends or family that are speaking ill of me - the family candle was fighting me and I argued my case with the ancestors and I told them don’t make me pull out the rest of the ancestors because you will fucking loose your case. I have an arsenal of ancestors I am the child left in her mothers womb while her entire family fought over the fact i was. I have been working the ancestor alter for far too long I was getting ready to call on Vassago to see who is fighting me… I have Baal at my side… I think maybe its something else


Visualized binding it in locks and chains, padlocked in a lead box.

@ Fuego the pain is extreme let me work on this… I was going to envoke my great grandmothers cousin and his friends.

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Is there room for one more?

Damn… That’s infuriating. Let me know if there’s anything else I can to help…

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@Fuego1 at @queenofhearts I think its a relative on the other side of the family his picture has always come across just has you described. I could be wrong… I am going to banish now… Banish and Ward. thanks guys- If king has any ideas let me know. My crew loves me… and I love you dirty rotten fuckers even more.

Used Lady Evas bannishing - man she is a bad ass woman… Seriously love that chicka. So you know Marbas is telling me that what ever this is - is not curable and i will pass from it… * What most people dont realize is my astrology chart is so fucked up- I stay with shit that should be walked away from - * I am a fucking fighter and that is why my ancestors love me… I fight till death… I fight- and this fucker has no clue who I am… and who I have in my corner.



Oi scan me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Anyone want to trade?

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Smh smh okay princess