Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Someone else just confirmed this two seconds ago

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Eldritch energy is something else.
Like itā€™s on infinite respawn within me dammit :joy:

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You come across as a bulb of grayish energy, like gelatin but more smoke than liquid, with four short arms that have two fingers each on them. Both sets of arms are carrying flagpoles, but I canā€™t tell if theyā€™re supposed to be weapons, walking sticks, or phallic imagery. In the back of your energy rises a distant snow-capped mountain, as if youā€™re a mountain spirit with heavy ties to your heritage. You have a green hat on with an orange feather in it, as well as the face and beard of a goat, but no torso or legs. Your feet end in green Kirby-esque shoes that look like hills, and Iā€™m getting the sense that youā€™re a child of Pan; youā€™ve got a lot of ā€œnatural fertilityā€ feelings to your energy.

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I see your magick circle. ā€¦

Bright high blue flames. With some black. The black flames almost look like feathers. Hints of orange.

I step throughā€¦ itā€™s snowing inside. A magickal snow. I see a candle ā€¦ big and burning the flame is bright ā€¦ a guiding light.

I look into the candles flame and I see a man heā€™s working at a desk. Heā€™s exhausted but deep into his work. Going through papers and books. Making notes and testing theories. He wonā€™t give in. Sometimes he falls asleep there.

I see incense swirl around him. The spirits beckon him to step into there world. Heā€™s in two places at once most of the time.

He walks in this world and the others.

Not sure what it means. Somehow you connect to the man I see in the candle flame.



Yo anyone trade?

I saw I was scanning you about the time he posted ā€¦ I was like damn thatā€™s alot like what I was picking up on


That sounds quite awesome, what do you mean by natural fertility energy? With you I see a limitless stretch of Lake, a lone fish swims then vanishes, the water bubbles and Machaloth rises from it on the back of a scorpion. She tells me you have great spiritual visions and prophetic dreams, within burns strange passions but also serpent power, revealing the wisdom you have, strength and control over your gifts. The Demoness raises her hands in a swift motion, causing a huge storm to erupt, she says your dedicated to your craft and work hard at what you do, if you persist then you are capable of accomplishing any of your goals.


That would be awesome, thanks.


Hey can you scan me?


Yeah will you do Me
Iā€™m having a cigarette then Iā€™ll do it


If anyone would like to scan me, I would appreciate it. Biffa_Bacon said he could probably do it later today, which is great, but I really wouldnā€™t mind others view points as well. Iā€™ve only recently really started working with much in the LHP, as well as expanding my practicing systems and knowledge. It would be really great to hear what others are sensing.
As much as I wish I could, I donā€™t think I can reciprocate at the current time, as Iā€™m pretty new to this and wouldnā€™t trust myself with it yet.

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I see waters and difficult to focus and see pictures
Focusing moreā€¦
I see female angels demons I get the name of lilith I see an image on woods I see a white robed woman taking me or you somewhrete in the wilderness I get aslo a nutate feeling aslo my 3 eye has lots of pressure on it the girl says ā€œcome with me I will show you mysteries and secretssssā€


I see you surrounded by trees and greenery, you are optimistic and feel as though you have made the right choice. I think there may be a stream nearby Iā€™m unsure, the wind is calm and gentle, your relaxed and grounded, I see the eyes of who Iā€™ve previously told you about.

After that you stand half in sun and half in darkness, the chaos Iā€™ve sensed in the past seems to have calmed down, you are juggling things in your life more easily and seem much more relaxed. Your in a favourable position, have you just completed a journey or succeeded in a goal?

The sunā€™s burning bright, a few scorpions scuttle around you, your powers have grew and you should celebrate this, maybe through something creative


The girl?


Yes, the one with mesmerising eyes


Iā€™m pretty new to this, but am interested in a scan. How would this usually work? I cannot offer one myself, since Iā€™ve only been doing tarot readings and its not yet that solid. Thanks :slight_smile:

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just did your tarot reading. apologies if it doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense, but iā€™m still trying to get the hang of it.
so your spread consists of the chariot, the hermit, the devil, the star and 9 of swords. the overall energy was temperance.
looking at this i get a sense of independence and a ā€œiā€™ll do it my wayā€ kind of attitude, because thatā€™s what has gotten you the best results in your work
deep down tho something is holding you back from achieving higher goals. it may seem like youā€™re getting what you want, but taking the time to self reflect, youā€™ll see that youā€™ve only really scratched the tip of the iceberg.
i canā€™t quite pinpoint what it is, thatā€™s holding you back thoughā€¦possibly a desire for true independenceā€¦but i see a unison between you and some other beingā€¦human or spiritā€¦which will give you the independence you desire, but also balance out that solitude

thatā€™s all i can really see right now, hope it makes sense

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I would like a scan.
I would like a second opinion concerning whether or not something is attached to me.
If so then I would also like to know what type of entity; be it Angelic, Demonic or parasitic.

Would anyone like to trade

Very good read.

Been trying to solve that one for a while

Could be the dirty I work with primarily

Have you considered increased power and control ? Independence from chance and the natural course of things.

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