Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Can anyone trade scan?

Hey is someone up for a trade?

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I was wondering if anyone can me to see if my request for a succubus worked

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I am up
I will do in 15 minutes

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Ty i am new to all this so what do i need to do

Hello Mike
I didn’t say that I would scan you I said for @Everblue

But if you want to trade I am up
Here the steps

I see dolphins
Head is grey blue
In the middle is white
Bottom grey blue
I see it as an emblem
But it become real
And swims in a near by island
I see people of tribes the people are brown color with white and red tattoo lie colourings
The are hunting it with spears in the island

They seem that they really want that dolphin
And each time that they are seeing they are making noises and run from their homes to catch it

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Trade scan?

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Let’s do

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I see a green snake with grey and black scales I see other snakes around they are albino
The snake slithers in brown direct
I feel like it’s a wrong direction

@Xag_darklight How are you doing. could anyone here scan me. Thanks.

Thank you! I don’t have any clue what it could mean… but I’ll write if it makes some sense :sweat_smile:

Ok so I see a man who is getting tortured in a medieval cell by these things which drop a waterdrop every few seconds on your head. He cries for my help but in that moment the keeper rattles on the door, storms in and tries to kill me with an axe or something haha
I dodge his attacks and capture him with plants (lianas) so as he is sitting on the ground I take off his mask and it’s the same guy as the one still getting tortured… I ask why he does this and he just goes ‘I don’t know’ the whole time.

Oh and he looks very handsome with blonde/honey hair a defined jawline but still very young, around 15 or so

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So I torture myself?

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That’s the most possible I think… also because the man completely lost it when I revealed him and asked why he did that to himself, not even helping and freeing the other but just having a meltdown… maybe it’s something very deep and unconscious?

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Unconscious most probably because I have
Bad thinking patterns of doubt

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Hello, who would like to exchange scans?

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i would like

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I would like to be scanned if anyone is up to the task.

Can someone scan me please

Anyone wanna make a trade scan? I have a bunch of free time over this week so it could be nice to get back into training this skill up.