Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Hey can I have a scan on my finances and money magic please?

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Scan trade anyone?
@itsnathanm7 @Sha @anon27714670 @anon39410973

Yeah bro you’re good. Just really gotta smell the money, visualize holding a fat stack flipping through those benjis, feel the nice breeze they give off. Deeply visualize that dough. Then if you want say “BRING IT ON!” That will speed it up
If you need cash fast, then tell your demons and guides to manifest it as quickly as possible. This can be rather dangerous however



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Thanks bro

Heres your scan @Kassapu

I see you in a Jungle surrounded by feminine plant spirits, one of which is Salvia Dorium or some shit like that. From the looks of it, you may wanna try evoking her and doing sex magic with her (the actual spirit). As you chill in thr jungle, more feminine plant spirits come up to you…new drugs, new experiences. At one point, LSD herself walks up to you.

Whatever you do, be safe…plant-fucker :wink::joy:

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Makes sense. A lot of females have been showing up in my life. Trying to balance me out. @Epsilon_The_Imperial
Remember that brunette you mentioned? She manifested

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oof you’re fine. Dw about it.

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Can someone read me real quick. It’s been ages since I asked for one, but I got a lil situation. I just wanna whether or not I’m crazy on this, too…

@anon50363245 @chi you two are so kind, thank you both so much. @OnionKnight Im not giving you a choice though. I’ll scan you later this afternoon.


@anon9236988 So I get the feeling everything around you is calm but the calm before a storm sort of speak something is around hiding its energy. I haven’t done this in awhile so my mind may have started to drift

I got something about your uncle trying to idk actually he didn’t want me to tell you he was there refused to tell me he was quite abit :thinking:

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Yes, accurate asf. I told my friend just minutes before the energy was like a lion rest to pounce.

And yes, I do have a deceased uncle, so good job. You did great.

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Ok so the vision I saw was this- Imagine of like an island completely underwater and at the center of it was an underwater volcano. It erupted very violently as if it had been waiting a while to do as soon immediately after seeing the location. Although the water cooled the lava as soon as it came out, the lava still kept some of it’s heat and as a result, the water in the immediate area became boiling hot and ultimately- all the coral and vegetation on the island died.

I feel like you’ve been angry about a situation/person for a long time and although you’ve maintained politeness- you’re about to reach a breaking point where you can’t go back from.

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Trade anyone?


I see a enormous white energy consuming all things around it…
I watch it for a while mesmerized by it,
Eventually a purple orb of light comes by and is also consumed.
But by it being consumed it transforms it a man…
I get of sense that it power resembles something of Merlin, but not him exactly I don’t know maybe. :thinking:
We speak and he tells me, “I hear all, See all, and Do all”
He also mentioned healing and knowledge he possess.
After the conversation was over…
I asked if he could bless me with this same knowledge and I departed.

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@Kassapu Or would you like something specific?

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I can trade


I’d like to take a nap first but later today?


Okay hun.
Just remind me. @chi


Anyone wanna trade

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Anyone want to trade

Hey, spiritual progress and what needs work. Wby anything specific