Possibly Cursed

So lately I have had a terrible turn of events and I don’t know if it’s a test from spirits or if I somehow got cursed all I know is if anyone can help that would be great. The worst that’s happened so far is my leg possibly being broken I’m not looking forward to having worse


And call Raphael for healing.


Good luck. :blue_heart:

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Thank you I appreciate it

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You’re welcome

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Don’t know why I can’t edit anymore it is in fact broken

You need to do a witch bottle for yourself and bless it with the sigil of your favourite Entities.

For me it worked in 24 hours and it also kills hidden enemies x


Completely agree with this.

@RiseorDie, after calling to these entities be sure to cleanse and ward up your home. The Witch Bottle has been a good one for me, specially if you have a back yard or patio to put it on or you can bury it that’s up to you.

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The witch bottle is pretty flexible even though I got paranoid and hid mine in a locked attic cupboard.

Hey @anon48957109 have you tried using urine in a honey jar for domination? It works wonders ?

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Remember, sometimes shit just happens for no reason. Jumping to the conclusion that it is a curse should be the last resort, and only if you have a valid reason to believe you might be under one.

That being said, the advice given above is good, so even if there is no curse, there is no foul in making sure. Banishing of some sort might also be useful.


Call upon the Fire God and/or the Watcher from Simon’s Necronomicon.