
I know this is kinda controversial but is it possible for you to possess someone against their will? I don’t mean with a demon but your own soul forcefully possessing someone and controlling them.


Yes its possible

How would you go about doing that?

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Well first are they willing to let you or not?

Because theres a difference in how to do it depending

I’m not a possession expert but yes, it’s definitely possible.

In my opinion, a non-spiritual person with no defense and weak aura would be quite easy to possess.

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No, the practioner doesn’t directly control or posses the targets mind it is done with a series of baneful castings to debelitate or destroy, harm the target. The deity will take certain actions to carry out the hex to include controlling the targets mind.


Yes, This is entirely possible. However, it takes much practice, time and endurance building. I am a natural born shaman, so of course this comes easily for me. If there is anything I can do for you, please send a message my way,

Blessed be.


Not willing

I’ve heard on your death bed it might be possible to soul travel and possess another body against their will. I can’t really verify that but the thought intrigued me.


Its gonna be more difficult but you can still do it. Your gonna have to have a very strong will… your will is gonna have to overpower their will.

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Interesting. I agree that it is very possible and i have a personal obsessive interest in this.

Yes, it is possible. In Buddhism, one of the Siddhis is Parkaya Pravesh, which is the forced entry of your consciousness into another body, it can even be used to even bring the dead to life for a short time.


This is also a necromantic/physic vampric power/ability that you can learn


So that brings me to my question, how could you be able to do that?

I have an intended target and have very subtly been taking control of both their mental and emotional psyche for several months now. One effect of this is that intended target no longer makes big choices without asking me first also, intended target wants to constantly be around me. I find this state of intended target most useful pre-possession as it already makes target vulnerable and open to me taking control.

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I do not know exactly, but an old mentor told me he could do this and I could sense that he was not lying either

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Agree completely with this.

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Anyone want to possess me ? Experiment ?
Plant thoughts and yourselves into me, through my picture ?
Note the missing fingertip, right hand.



I would be very interest in anything unusual (?) you may or may not have had/experienced in the past 12 hours.

Apologies! This request was for you @jbkbmz