Posessed by something?

I’ve been in that very same nightmare at the minute I got aggressively possessed a few years ago and for years it would build my hopes all kinds of different story’s then it would annihilate me to almost insanity and suicide but I thought I’d got rid by making a dedication and pact with satan and for the past 6 months i’ve been enjoying life with satan and all kinds of mad stuff but this last month i’ve started doubting everthing coz I can see the pattern forming and shit my head fell off big now I’m realising its hardening my head and now I’m just pissed cozthis fucker is laughing at my inability to see what I’m dealing with except now there’s something external leaving big hints to find him and tonight I’m gonna trust my inner and do a ritual that i’ve been aautowriting on and off all day once my kids are asleep I’m going to throw my all into it if i succeed then yay but if it goes real bad then exorcism and a straight jacket may be necessary wish me luck coz fuck me my poor brain will explode

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