Poltergeist activity

I went to my 4 yr old cousins birthday party about two days ago. It was at his mamas house.

I didnt do any meditation, but the Darkness was with me as always.

The Kid, my cousin, has had a problem sleeping in his own bed since he was born. The parents never broke him from that when he was a baby.

Two days after I left the party i find out (tonight, just now) that poltergeist activity has been occuring there at his home.

To the point where his mom, him, and the dog saw letters appear visibly on the wall then dissappear.
The dog took off out the room :joy:
Also the Drawers and cabinets in their kitchen are opening and closing constantly.

Now for the fucked up part…my uncles other baby mama (this kids mom is BM 1) is a Panamanian Witch.

I feel like she aint do shit to My cousin or his mom even tho she doesnt like them.

So…any advice? This shit aint start until i showed up and left :joy::joy::joy:
Now they tryin to get an exorcism of the place


There might’ve been some things already there before, so when you showed up, it stirred things up. Buutt, it could just be something that followed you there.

Eh, well that’s my view of that. I may be wrong, though. :woman_shrugging:

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Thanks @anon9236988 :metal:
You just may be right


Aye, cool, you’re welcome :smile:

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Go back and banish the place if you can.


I was thinking of getting some salt and doing it that way
I just gotta see if my mom is going over there.


Wait fuck that, i can do distance clearing and soul travel over there DUH!


Cool so i just went over there Soul Travel wise. Did a Demonic LBRP and used pendulum to check my efforts.
They are gone.

It was a bunch of ghosts there and the place was pitch black

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