Poll Time: Does your Astrological Chart determine your Psychic Ability?

Specifically, I’m wondering if your elemental triplicity has anything to do with how well you can naturally perceive spirits/energies/other people’s emotions or thoughts. I’m aware that abilities can improve and expand with practice as well as magickal training, but let’s find out if there are any natural predispositions that can be correlated to astrology…

First, figure out your Sun sign from your birthday if you don’t know it already:

Next, figure out which triplicity you fall under:

Finally, just pick whatever option best fits:

  • I am a Fire sign and I’m naturally about as sensitive as a doorknob.
  • I am a Fire sign and I’m okay at perceiving psychic phenomena.
  • I am a Fire sign and I’m damn talented at sensing spiritual energies.
  • I am an Earth sign and I’m naturally about as sensitive as a doorknob.
  • I am an Earth sign and I’m okay at perceiving psychic phenomena.
  • I am an Earth sign and I’m damn talented at sensing spiritual energies.
  • I am an Air sign and I’m naturally about as sensitive as a doorknob.
  • I am an Air sign and I’m okay at perceiving psychic phenomena.
  • I am an Air sign and I’m damn talented at sensing spiritual energies.
  • I am a Water sign and I’m naturally about as sensitive as a doorknob.
  • I am a Water sign and I’m okay at perceiving psychic phenomena.
  • I am a Water sign and I’m damn talented at sensing spiritual energies.
0 voters

The alignment of certain planets to each other in a natal chart indicates enhanced spiritual senses… Neptune or Uranus coupled with Moon or Mercury for example. Others have these gifts activated by the regular movement of planets coming into alignment with natal planets ie transits.


Good point, the Sun sign is just one aspect of the whole chart (but perhaps the easiest for people to recognize and sample statistics for).

Any thoughts on elemental triplicity correlating to natural ability? My hypothesis is that Water signs are best at receiving energies (the traditional intuitive/psychic) and Fire signs at projecting them (the active magician), but I’m not sure where Earth and Air fit in–perhaps Earth signs have better inherent shields or are more naturally grounded and Air signs tend to be more logical/skeptical than the rest?


Shit I clicked on the wrong answer orz

Same here! I didn’t understand this was an interactive poll so I randomly clicked the circle to test and well… no going back now I guess

It goes more off bloodlines. There are those of us who are born with magical talent and learning magic is like learning to walk: it just comes naturally over time. On the other hand, there’s those who aren’t naturally connected to magic and find learning far harder.

This discusses the idea of born magic vs those who had to learn:


Everything is in Capricorn, I naturally am super grounded.
I actually have to actively unground myself to be even the slightly sensitive that I can be.


Last night I was literally making a video to post on here talking about exactly what you’ve posted and how crucial it is to time your astrological events and magick properly as they do fall hand in hand. Notable points of the chart can indicate superior focus, or show where you’re lacking and what is really being propelled.

Getting to know your chart is fairly important.


Yeah, I think there’s definitely a genetic factor involved along with the environmental aspect (training, working hard, etc). If there are astrological correlates to innate magickal ability as well, though, that begs the question as to whether being the descendant of such a bloodline would make it more likely that you’re born on a certain day & hour. :thinking:

That is a metric fuckton of Capricorn, alright. :joy: Good for psychic defense though, I suppose.

Even just the simplest of astrological elections (going by planetary day and hour) seems like it helps, for sure. I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary (nor should you get OCD about it to the point where you’re waiting months/years to avoid any potentially ill alignments), but what’s to lose by timing your ritual to the natural tides of the cosmos?


You’re right. When studying astrology (your own chart) you must study it with detachment or else you’re going to worry about a lot of stuff and start overthinking shit… let nothing define your fate. Only you can. Horoscopes and pop cultural stuff I avoid.

The importance of fixed stars and constellation in timing with the ritual is what we’d usually see as a huge event going down in history, or on TV…


Damn, yo.

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Interesting idea. But I think the position of one’s Moon & some other info would matter more than sign element – just my pov.


I completely agree with that. This is hella interesting, though. Because each of us are more than just one element.


BTW @Nyxifer, what are your thoughts on someone with 5 scorpios on their natal chart?
Not just water wise, but in regards with the zodiac sign itself. Just curious!


Virgo here…I’m more sensitive than most (i.e. I’ve been seeing ghosts since I was three years old and often just “know” things). BUT I have four planets in Libra, which is also my ascendant, so all the Air might balance out my Virgo :sunny: and Taurus :full_moon_with_face:.


Those dates are out of date Gemini extends to 21 June Cancer beigins on 22 June

Ive always been able to see until the last few years have been more selective and when began meeting daemons then it switched off but has now been switched back on.
I have co n e to understand this system is not a determiner of psychic probability or extant thereof.
But you can believe that uf you choose

I think so but I think it would be more about other elements than your sun sign. My natal neptune conjucts moon in pisces.


Still disagree. My reasoning is my first Conscious spell was so easy i had immediate electric and practical results.
Onlu found out in the last few weeks i have witches in my family line. I deliberately ignored magick and esoteric bc I was afeared if consequences from my nucleus family if they found out the punishing treatment … threats
Which is why deliberate magick for me was only a few years ago. Daemon was only dec18. I don’t think its latant ability bc it was already there but I also don’t think I’m a “born” witch either. I think that concetp offers claims for one witch to be better than another which is a distraction and false considering we are g i ds already living like humans until we resume our “godliness” then become gods amongst those still human. Again not special but choice is what mkes special


All the signs in my natal star chart show crippled, retrograde, often inverted energies which conspire without desire to thwart me! In Chinese astrology I’m a Jade Ashtray but because I was born on the strained cusp of the sign of the empty matchbox I’m full of other peoples’ butts.

Seriously, my psychic abilities are so close to shit that it’s a distinction without a difference. I haven’t seen anything for decades because I don’t need to. I don’t hear anything either. I’m like the Helen Keller of Magick. I just doggedly put in the hard slog. I feel spiritual entities and my arm hairs stand to attention, than I start sweating profusely, sometimes ferociously. If you call them they come. With practice this will be realised. Again I stress the usefulness of chant.



Does that make you immune to flash grenades?