Poem for Belial

Okay! So I love writing poetry and I’ve been working to connect with Belial. Once I saw his name it repeated in my head relentlessly for several days until I broke down and began researching him. I feel him at times, like he’s peeking in. Here’s a a poem I wrote, simply titled Belial 1 for now. I wrote it after meditating and genuinely feeling his energy, and I wanted to offer something.

Belial 1

I am calling into the wind

Falling in love with the idea of a dark prince

Almost as if

He’s real

I’m tentatively reaching out ageless fingers

A tiny me clamoring to be near the strange protector, who is a part of the decaying wood and springtime shoots

An angsty young poet, yearning for the touch of a man who is more than a man and less than one at once - something only tangible to a few, and maybe frightening still to most of them

A bewildered adult, swaying in the darkness, swallowed up whole by a vibrating sigil

Entranced with the energy I feel from it, beginning to believe that the darkness I’ve been a part of isn’t made up, and it might be seeking me back

Come, Belial

Show me the night