Plz help me

I am evocating for a week but not seeing anything sometimes i feel something sometimes not…and which demon can help me with fixing my financial problem and can i evocate him daily . I am really facing some big problems and losing every hope… can someone plz guide me .

What spirit are you calling, and what system are you using for this?

Can you successfully enter theta-gamma sync or some other mental state in which you can interact with spirits?

If you can give some more details, people can help you a bit better.

well trying with Lucifer using the circle and saying again and again alas tad alas tal ashu with eyes closed after a while i start to gaze at his sigil… and I cant enter to theta-gamma sync.

should I relax and w8 to get into any mental state …

Okay, Lucifer will bring you wisdom and other things, not directly large sums of money in most circumstances though, and not usually as the very first thing you ask for from him.

using the circle and saying again and again alas tad alas tal ashu

It’s “Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu.”

Apostrophes usually symbolise a glottal stop, look that up if you don’t know what it is. :slight_smile:

with eyes closed after a while i start to gaze at his sigil.. and I cant enter to theta-gamma sync.

Learn TGS, one member here took nearly a year to master it and he persisted and did well - this newsletter teaches you how: - The Irreplaceable Value of Ecstasy In Evocation.

The newsletter archives on here are WELL worth reading, and if the links no longer work (parts of the site are old) then you can usually find them at

should I relax and w8 to get into any mental state ..

If I can give a personal opinion meant to guide you (and not criticise) you’re TOO relaxed right now, you spell the chant incorrectly, pick a spirit not noted for simply bringing money, and you used “w8” insitead of “wait” - I think you need to out a bit more dedication into this and do some research and reading, and not attempt half-measures.

That’s my opinion based on what you’ve posted - you’re attempting to take reality, and replace bits of it with what’s currently only existing in your mind, so your mind has to be a little more muscular before you can expect that to work.

You don’t have to be a genius or have excellent English, but I think you’re making some errors here that are due to sloppiness, based on what you wrote.

OK man I’ll help u out because I have been telling a lit of people this lately and it seems no one understands that to see a spirit you need to open your third eye chakra. This is important especially for anyone new to magick. Another thing is too you have to train yourself to notice the energy entering your temple or space. It can be a chill, a cool breeze even though there is no wind, or a warm atmosphere it just really depends. And it takes dedication and practice. Magick is an art just like martial arts and requires discipline. The only reason on my first two evocations this month something happened is because I have practiced magick for about ten years. And I’m only 23. So I have had a lot of energy work practice and such. Here is a meditation to help you open your third eye:

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then imagine an eye in the middle of your for head and see that its closed. Use your will to open it up. Usually a person on their first time can’t keep it open too long without getting a headache. But as you practice you will be able to keep it open longer and you will start to be able to see, hear ,smell, and taste things in ethereal form and you will be able to feel the energy currents.

This is a very basic technique. I hope you find it helpful.

My take away from your post is “I am evocating for a week but not seeing anything sometimes i feel something sometimes not…”

Do a ritual, leave everything there, all your emotion, all your power, all your worries in the ritual then forget about it completely. Your continued anxieties and re-visiting this ritual over and over is really fucking everything up for you. In my opinion it doesn’t matter at that point who you call and how well you can visualize the spirit. Your will is interfering over and over. You just need to stop at this point and reassess.

My suggestion is abandon all previous evocations to Lucifer. Thank him and offer a blessing of power. Start a new ritual to someone like the Demon Duchess Bune. Plan it, do it right, the walk away from it and forget about it completely. That is where and when you will feel success.