Please, a spirit for silencie!

I need a spirit that silences a person, an idiot wants to extort with screenshots and publish them in a group, and those captures compromise me too much. and it has to be urgent !!!

Have you considered using a beef tongue? Slice it open and put a picture of the person along with a bunch of baneful herbs and nasty shit. Sew it shut with yarn and put it outside to rot


A freezer spell could be used too, if I’m not mistaken.


You may want to try Bael, but if you’ve been sending unsolicited dick pics he may just let them get published, cos he would probably find that hilarious. :rofl::wink:

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good suggestion Ara, the problem is that I am a vegetarian xD …but that thing works?


they were with consent, lol, but bael sounds trustworthy

I can link you a blood spell that can help with this later

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Great!! anything that is cheaper than a. divorce


I don’t conddone cheating but if you must cheat, then don’t leave ANY kind of audit trail :rofl:

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It sure does! Not to go against your moral code and I myself would never hurt an animal . But they’re already sold and if the situation is that bad it may warrant it. Good luck!

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Lol. :joy::joy::joy: killed me.

You know as an almost born vegetarian and Hindu who considers cows holy ( that’s from where the phrase ‘holy cow’ came ). This spell for some reason gave me a boner. :grinning::grin::joy:

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At lest you dont need to use viagra.

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Dude. Just kill her. Why take any risk?

here’s what i promised

To Inhibit Someone’s Ability to Communicate

Left Palm-Immediate and temporary results. <- where u drawn the blood

PROCEDURE-Use a photograph or a sketch of the intended
and place it face up on a surface that will be undisturbed.
Make an incision inside your left palm, and, without
touching the Elixir (blood) with anything else including your fingers,
place the incision over the mouth in the photograph and
press down hard using a small and tight pivoting, smothering
motion. Do this until you feel a sense of silence and
peace. Leave the photo for at least three nights, rip it up and
discard it in the open such as throwing the pieces around in a
park. This should last for at least a few weeks. If need be, do
it again.

Wrist (outer, pinky side)-Long-term results.<- where u drawn the blood

PROCEDURE-Do as above; however after three nights
burn the photo. Bring the ashes as close to the intended as
possible and make every effort to get the ash onto the intended.
One way is to put it on their chair at work. Make
sure they are the first one to sit in it once the ash is placed

Ring Finger-To inhibit someone’s ability to communicate
with a specific person or with yourself. <- where u drawn the blood

PROCEDURE-Do all as above; however, the ash must be
ingested by the intended. I suggest you put it in some dark
beverage. They only need to ingest a small amount for the
Sorcery Event to be effective. The outcome will be permanent
and the person may lose their ability to communicate
altogether, depending on how many people have expressed
disdain for them.

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