Planting Your Empire Upon The Earth

Planting My Empire Upon The Earth.

Items needed

  1. Seals Of The Demonic Gatekeepers
  2. A blade suitable for bloodletting
  3. A bowl preferably wooden if attainable
  4. Oil Of Power
  5. A black marker
  6. Frankincense and Dragons Blood
  7. Charcoal disk
  8. Candles
  9. Five black seeds
  10. Glass of water
  11. A wooden staff

First off you must take the bowl and perform a exorcism on it to completely cleanse it. Now write upon the bowl, the characters of the universal circle. Once the glyphs of power are imbued upon the bowl it is now cover the bowl with black cloth. Next crush a mixture of frankincense and dragons blood incense, hold it in your hands cupped and recite the summoning of all magickal powers.

As you recite the incantation, structure inside the resin of the incense a great powerful light, and as you inhale pull the powers of magick into the incense.

Once that power is condensed, seal the power contained within by structuring energetic walls from stopping it leaking out. Now place state outloud

“ This incense when ignited and boiled upon intense heat, shall release smoke containing great forces of power, when the vapours rise it shall hold potent magick and shall be used to fumigate objects to prepare them as nexions of power “.

Now place take the bowl before you face the south, light the charcoal disk as it heats up place the incense upon the disk while reciting the summoning of all magickal powers. As the smoke rises hold the bowl over the vapours turn it clockwise and counter-clockwise, while feeling and visualising the actual material of the bowl become imbued by extreme vibrations of power.

Now leave the bowl to fumigate once done, cover the bowl In black cloth again. Next take a small vile add semen, blood, olive oil, frankincense, saliva and burnt hair. This oil shall hold a portion of your power, desire and energy. Shake the oil, place it to charge in a pentagram and surrounded by candles, while funnelling power from the Zeal Chakra into the liquid.

Now take the oil and anoint the bowl, as you rub the oil into the bowl, say out loud “ I push and imbue my desire, my passion, my will, my power and a portion of my being into this bowl “.

As you do this begin to fall into trance, the bowl is charging and the glyphs are empowered now you must activate them, open each Glyph on the bowl as if you would with a sigil.

Once all the glyphs of power are opened, charged and activated, hold the bowl up in the air. Focus on the magnificent aura of the bowl, totally radiating with amazing power and Vibrate ‘MALZAZ HYROTH’ x9.

Now the bowl is prepared cover it, keep it in darkness cover it with black cloth in either the south, west or north.

Now obtain the five black seeds, these seeds will represent many many things, each seed will be the point of the inverted pentagram. Each seed will be the seeds of the black apples which Eisteth Zeninium picks from the Qliphoth. When the apple is broken and eaten by the sisters of Lilith, the seeds hold the powers of infernal darkness. These seeds will also be the root for your desire and the root to allow your manifestation to grow.

So use only one black candle, place the candle before you, begin walking around in a circle motion, feel your energy leak out of you, creating a astral circle upon the ground. As you open this circle by walking the motions begin vibrating ‘LILITH’ ‘NAAMAH’ ‘AGRAT BAT MAHLAT’ ‘EISTHETH ZENINIUM’ Vibrate each name three times. Feel the sisterhood of darkness partially rise around the circle they normally appear wearing black hooded cloaks.

Stand facing the black hold the candle in both hands and say

“ Sisterhood Of The bloody waters, come to me, Lilith Blood lusting one, Queen Of The Qliphoth, eldest and leader of the sisters, hear my call and come, Naamah Lady Of the gate, lady in red, the silent deadly one hear my call and come, Agrat Bat Mahlat, demoness of dreams, roof dancer and mother of Asmodeous hear my call and come “.

Feel them rise in a more solid form and recite.

“ Sisters Of The Black And Bloody Waters, they who hold the chalices of blood, water, sexual elixirs and lunar tears, I have called you in attendance tonight, to give me the seeds of darkness, from the qliphothic apple, Eishtheth for you are the guardian of the apple, bring it into materialisation, so you and your sisters shall share it’s venomous sweetness and so you sisters shall share with me the five seeds “.

Now with the black candle in your hand, trace a fiery inverted pentagram using the candle like a athame tracing a energetic symbol.

Now take the five physical seeds in your hand, cup your hands Stand in front of the fiery inverted pentagram in the air and place your cupped hands in its centre.

Now visualise or if you can see the hands of the sisters place the aethyric seeds into the physical seeds. Once done anoint them with your blood to seal the binding of the seeds of darkness. Then thank the sisterhood for coming and close the rite.

Now during a full moon open a circle, set Azazel’s seal in the north, Belial’s seal in the south, Abaddon’s seal in the west and Amaymon’s seal in the east. Place four black candles outside the circle, one behind each seal at each cardinal direction.

Now face Azazel’s seal offer blood on to the seal, then open it and say

“ Azazel he who has taught us magick and gave us weapons of the gods come to my calling, rise and descend upon this temple, manifest in the northern point before me now in a beholdable form, Itz Rel Itz Rel Azazel “.

Now face Abbadon’s seal offer blood on to the seal, then open it and say

“ Abbadon the destroyer, he who holds the key to the bottomless pit come to my calling, rise and descend upon this temple, manifest in the western point before me now in a beholdable form come, Abaddon come “.

Now face Belial’s seal offer blood to the seal, then open it and say

“ Belial, he who bows to no man nor any god, Belial he who has power over all dominions come to my calling, rise and descend upon this temple, manifest in the southern point before me now in a beholdable form come, Belial come “.

Now face Amaymon’s seal offer blood to the seal, then open it and say

“ Amaymon teacher of the glory, exalter Of the darkness, he who is the black sun come to my calling, rise and descend upon this temple, manifest in the eastern point before me now in a beholdable form come, Amaymon come “.

Now stand in the centre of the circle vibrate, the names of the Gatekeepers as many times as you feel comfortable until you get a sense their presence has reached a critical mass.

Now hold the bowl in your hands, place the seeds inside the bowl in a shape of a inverted pentagram. Now say

“ Dark Brothers, I have called you in attendance tonight, for I require your assistance, your power and infernal resources upon this earth, Gatekeepers Of The infernal empire, I ask that you gift upon this bowl before me, your powers, your armies and your legions to sit within the bowls centre, to bring me a constant flow of power, sex, fortune, wealth, prosperity, ascent and power, bind your inferiors, your familiars, your countless armies and unstoppable legions to sit within this bowl to bring me all I ask and more, so my empire shall rise upon this earth in total infernal glory, cloaked in shadows and revealed in flames “.

You may feel overwhelmed as each Gatekeepers releases countless armies, legions, familiars and inferiors upon the bowl. You will feel as if you are in the centre of a spiritual tornado, inside a psychic and astral maelstrom.

With your right hand push energy from your Zeal Chakra towards the bowl, as this will better help guide the power into the bowl, as you do this structure inside the bowl, millions of faces and bodies and flames doing this will provide the astral matrix these spirits and powers need to facilitate your desires. Then feed the structure within the bowl by funnelling all the energy in the environment through your Zeal Chakra, down your right arm out of your hand into the bowl.

Then place each hand on either side of the bowl, push energy inside the bowl, creating energetic walls to hold in the critical amount of power within the bowl.

Now all is prepared, go outdoors with only the bowl, the seeds, a glass of water and a wooden staff. With the wooden staff trace in the ground a circle, inside that circle, trace a hexagon, inside the hexagon trace a triangle, then inside the triangle a smaller circle. For this is a very very powerful symbol which countless of demons have given me over the years to manifest great feats in life.

Now in the smaller circle in the centre dig a deep enough hole to place the bowl, place the bowl inside and place the five seeds in the bowls centre in the fashion of a inverted pentagram.

Leave the circle walk around the circle five times clockwise, then five times counterclockwise, while reciting

“ Brotherhood Of The infernal empire, the dark ones rise around me, Sisterhood Of The bloody waters, the dark ones rise around me, brothers and sisters of the infernal and the nocturnal, the fiery and dark, rise around me to lend me your power, brothers hold hands with your sisters, sisters hold hands with your brother “.

Now the infernal Gatekeepers will rise as they are already waiting before you started the rite. This is very powerful as the sisterhood and brotherhood of hell are all standing in unison, all funnelling their power. They act as almost wires surrounding the circle, the power courses through the wires as a collective overload of critical demonic powers from both the sisterhood and brotherhood combined.

Now stand in the centre look towards the bowl, feel the tornado of overwhelming demonic, dark, unstoppable infernal power from the brotherhood and sisterhood. As they stand together you shall hear them sing their infernal songs these astral sounds are indeed vibration glyphs which create a atmosphere and open connection in the other worlds to ours. The lake of fire will be felt underneath the circle, with your undying godlike will, push all the power in the atmosphere and within you in the centre of the bowl. As the power accumulated and intertwined to form a matrix of vibrations so critical you feel you may be in danger, guide that power with your right hand into the centre of the bowl.

Enter trance and you will see, the bowl centre shine with lava, flames and power, the seeds course with darkness, poison and sexual power from the sisters, the glyphs shall radiate total universal potential. Under the ground you shall feel the other worlds all aligning with the centre of the circle creating a astral circuit. Now slowly cover the bowl with the dirt, closing your eyes feeling the earth concealing the power like the Saturnian nature of dark arts. For there is great power in concealment, now place your hands in a triangle shape over the dirt, you can feel the fluctuation of power.

Now close your eyes, visualise the present and future, being filled with all your desires, money, new job, family happiness, sex, knowledge, power, prosperity, popularity, health what ever it maybe see it. Funnel all your desire out of your hands into the ground, push and push and push until all your desire and passion is exhausted into the ground. Sit in the centre meditate and feel your root chakra almost connect like a magnet to the onslaught of energy underneath you aligning yourself with your goal.

Then state out-loud your exact desires say it with total power and will exhaust all the omnipotence into your words.

As you do this chant the words for demonic bindings and pacts

‘Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu’ repeat this over and over until you enter a trance of complete surrenders to the powers present. Then give your thanks and appreciation to the powers and spirits present. Take the bowl of water pour it over the centre of the circle, this is symbolic of the water feeding the root of the desire you’ve planted, your empire shall be the fruit which hangs upon the plant.

This is a very very powerful rite, you are calling on such intense powers, the brotherhood and sisterhood of the infernal empire, employing armies, legions, familiars and inferiors to tasks, utilising the demons songs which align all the hell realms to align with your goal. Using the energies of qliphothic darkness, utilising your own power blood and self into the ritual and various other potent methods which when all combined cause dramatic change.

Your empire shall rise, all the fruits of your desire shall rise with it, this is for those who are deadly serious about dramatic change in their life. I have performed this and I can tell you, life will never be the same again.


I’m thinking about adding more power to this.
Would celestial light and various forms of “cosmic”/universal energy such as the Tree of Life conflict with the demonic power?

I’d say it would yes plus I didn’t write this ritual it is from the demons themselves so to later it would take away from its power and purpose.


One thing to remember is adding energy doesn’t always translate into “more power” if the energies conflict and hinder each other.


I know it’s silly for such a serious post, but I though, “well, shit, never mind.” Because the soil here is impossible to dig because it’s SO Rocky.

Wonderful ritual! Thank you for sharing. I’m saving it.

Pick, Chisel, and hammers there is always a way if you are determined.


Intense man. Thanks for putting it all out there.

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Your welcome.

This confirmed something that Satan showed me the other day in my mind

Thnks Brother :metal:


Awesome thread :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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