Planning my formal Draconian initiation

In December of this year, I plan to undergo an official self-initiation into the Draconian current. Although I have worked with specific dieties and developed my Draconian energy considerably, I am not an official initiate on the path as of now (October). I feel a strong connection with this current and so it’s only natural that I would want to officially initiate on this path.
I need to gather some tools but apart from that I first need to finish my two self-initiation books for this current (Draconian Ritual Book by Asenath Mason and Apophis by Michael Kelly). Further updates will be within the week.


Update 1:

I require a blood-letting implement but I cannot use a formal ritual dagger. Luckily, in my bathroom there are a pair of skin-cutting scissors that I can use. I’ve used them on my knee before but I would prefer to inflict a small cut on my wrist during the initiation (not large, just somewhere that will allow more than a few drops of blood to flow). I’m going to have to see if I can do that with the scissors. While practicing sterilization and personal responsibility, of course.

Flipping back and forth between the books, I noticed both Mason and Kelly use a seven-step initiation process. Asenath Mason writes a sample initiation process in her Draconian ritual book that lasts seven days. Michael Kelly uses the seven-headed serpent model throughout his self-initiation book. I would like to find a way to use both models simultaneously for a few reasons. The fact that they both use the number 7 is a good start, which means I can correspond each day to a dragon’s head.

Still reading the books. I will need to plan day 1 soon.

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Have you tried lancets used for blood test for bloodlettings? It will go much easier as the time goes by.
Good luck!


@DavidSmith I have used lancets and find that unles I poke myself several times, each stick only gives me a drop or two at most.

A big sewing needle worked better, but was more painful

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I’ve heard about that; I’ll have to think about it. Thanks for the suggestion!

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It works fine for me. At the begining, just a drop of blood, but soon after I strarted to be less sesitive and could use it in better way and get much more blood.

Developmental milestone;

In addition to reading, I’ve been doing the meditations recommended in the Draconian ritual book. A few moments ago, I was doing the fire meditation with the intent to control my inner fire with my palms. Instead I ended up catching my entire aura on fire, and awakening something. I ended up hearing the Dragon’s hearbeat (or what sounded like a heartbeat originating from outdoors) and assumed the form of a dragon. I saw lesser entities looking at me and auras of nature gods, as well as trace amounts of Draconian powers. My back burned as my wings emerged, although this was a burning sensation I welcomed. I didn’t try to force anything or shut it out. It simply ended when I had the thought “What just happened?” and realized I was chanting "Vovin."
This had lead me to realize two things. One; sometimes meditation won’t go as you expect. Two; Tasting the air is quite strange but useful (be careful not to drool! Haha).


November update

I finished reading Asenath Mason’s book. I think I’m ready to really start planning the ritual. Upon further inspection I noticed Michael Kelly’s book is more of a step-at-a-time-but-overlapping guideline for continuous development. I think it’s more useful for after the formal ritual with Mason’s guidelines. However, I think Kelly’s model of the heads seems to be strangely similar in correspondence to the days in the ritual model I’m using. With minor modifications, I can use both models symbolically. Growth is multi-layered and a tangle of different aspects, so in the Rite the Seven Heads are symbolic of what I have promised for myself.
I think for the seventh and last day of this multi-day Rite, I will create an image to be used as a magical portal to the path. I will paint while in Gnosis and give the painting a symbol of access to the Nightside. This will only be a ritual fetish and be a reminder of the lessons from the beings I shall summon.
Just some newer details of the plan.