My my how time flies. Since the posting of this thread I have achieved several physical manifestations and have not noticed any difference in how I obtain the results I desire.
On the one hand, I think the attention and energy put into achieving physical manifestations would be better spent on achieving your will. It could be seen as an unnecessary step.
On the other hand, if your focus is good enough to be getting physical manifestation, that’s a pretty good indicator that you have achieved the proper focus to cause things to happen. As long as you don’t become obsessed and only focus on the physical manifestations, which is what I assume is happening is most hauntings.
Perhaps I’m on a different planet than you guys or not feeling the theory-crafting as much but… physical manifestation is the rarest of the rare in my experience. I’ve been physically touched by demons and spiritual entities more than once but afterwards I was well aware of the fact that my consciousness had shifted to a dream or astral-like plane where such things happen more easily.
True physical manifestation requires the ability to overlay the non-physical or dreamlike experience over the binding physical reality to combine it into a single expression, this is more than mere evocation, it is a coup on reality itself. It is a bending of the rules that the natural order of things is not designed for and should not be taken lightly. Whatever you think is important to you from a manifestation perspective is shadowed by things like real physical manifestation, for these experiences bring your divine potential into sight like few things can, for if you can manipulate the environment to such an extent that a demon becomes physically manifested many mental barriers disintegrate swiftly.
I’m not calling anyone out or screaming fraud here but I do feel some of you need to reconsider certain conclusions that have been drawn.